This Is What You Came For part

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(Manny's POV)

"Welcome to Mask! Thanks for coming to a magical night, gentleman." Timothy the announcer screamed out into the crowd. Every man leaned in an anticipation ready for the show that was known well around town. There was judges, police officer, CEOs... any man that held any sorts of power was in the building tonight. It was like this every Saturday night but the tingling sensation never left me as I held my pose behind the red thin curtain.

Once the music begun the red velvet ascended into the heavens. Showtime! I held my stance until my cue started. We swayed and moved together like were synchronized swimmers, the men in the crowd couldn't look away.

Each one of us started to depart off the stage as we made our way into the crowd. Usually, the eyes of the men would move right passed me as I made way down the stairs. This tends to happen when you're the only black women in a group of blondes. It didn't phase me as I guided towards wandering eyes until my heart almost flew out of my chest when I made eye contact with the most beautiful man in the club. His eyes followed me as I danced towards his section. He watched me like a beast that was out to hunt which made me his prey. The first thing I noticed was his greens eyes, his hair was slicked back into a low pony fail which only made his thick beard stand out on his face. My face averted to someone else but without looking you could still feel his eyes on my every move. I decided to dance pass him and move to another, there wasn't a chance in hell that I was going to fall victim to that man. He spelled out missed phone calls and read text messages.

I made my way to a group of college boys which followed by a round of cheers from the table. Michelle soon followed along with Amy. I didn't mind because we knew that they were going to blow all of their money on us anyway. College men were suckers especially the ones that were from Ivy Leagues, they lived off of their daddies money which left them careless and is well paid.

"You're amazing sweetheart" A blonde college kid screamed in my ear. He almost blew out my eardrum but my response only was a flirtation smile. "Milk chocolate!" Another one screamed which only made me roll my eyes to the back of my head as I continue dancing on his friend.

Something told me to look over which made me focus on Melissa and her crew, they were occupying green eyes table but he was still looking my way. I swear a smirk appeared on his face when he saw me looking his way. He called Joey the owner to Mask to his table and then I saw him point in my direction from the corner of my eye. Joey smirked which followed by a laugh between the two men. This made me annoyed for some reason, I decided to turn around and pay attentions to the man in front of me.


"Good job ladies!" Joey exclaimed. He clapped as we made our way off of the stage into the dressing rooms.

"We always do a great job with you as our boss Joey..." Melissa stated. She leaned into his five eleven framed, Joey was unphased by Melissa flirty ways and continued on with his speech that he does every time he met his quota for tonight.

"Manny, wait up!" A feminine voice screamed towards me as I made my way towards my locker. Silently praying it wasn't my best friend Michelle. " Don't you act like you can't hear me, I know where you live!" the voice was getting closer which I knew my prayers weren't answered as always.

"Michelle, I can hear you loud and clear matter a fact the whole club can hear you." I stated jokingly. This only made her respond by sticking her tongue out at me.

"So...." she screeched out. Instantly, I knew she saw what happened tonight which made me try to cover my face with my 4B/C curls. " Do not hide your face from me, I know you saw what I saw tonight because he definitely saw you." she pointed at me with her well-manicured finger.

"Get your finger out of my face and no I honestly do not know what you are referring to..." I stated while picking up my belongings. Before opening the door to leave my body halted before coming in contact with the body of a god. Something told me it was that devil of man that was staring at me in the crowd tonight. His scent filled my nasal passage which smelled like heaven and expensive cologne.

My voice went up in a pitch as I tried to apologize for almost knocking him over "Oh my... I am so sorry sir." My hands instantly went up to his chest and even though he was wearing an all black suit and tie his muscle stood out. Regretfully my eye looked up and that's when I regretted my decision.

There was an awkward silence before Michelle's voice stated in a mocking tone " this was what I was referring too." I didn't turn around to meet her eyes because her condescending tone was enough. My gaze was locked with his piercing green eyes, it was like no matter how hard I tried something was making me stay put. His lips went into a little smirk which made the air from my lungs get stuck in my trachea.

"Hi." he lips finally formed words unlike I who stood there looking like my face was just slapped with a cream pie. " You're beautiful..." he complimented.

"Thanks?" this came out more as a question, this only made him chuckle. His icy breath hit my face which smelled like scotch and mint.

"Hi... my name is Michelle." my best friend exclaimed as she pushed me aside. Her intrusion caused greens eyes to jump back a little but he still acknowledges her with an eyebrow raise and a hello back. He sounded more formal when addressing her.

"Can we converse for a moment? I don't mean to intrude and I know that it is pretty late but it will only be brief." Green eyes sounded so hopeful and his voice deep.

"Sure, she will. I am Manny's ride and we weren't going to do anything but go home. Right, Manny?" Michelle asked with a cheeky grin. This caused me to squint at her.

"...but sleep..." I murmured to myself but Michelle heard me, she decided to ignore my protest walked away which left me alone with Zeus himself.

"Manny, right?" he asked. I knew he caught my name from my annoying best friend.

"Imani but my friends call me Manny for short.." I corrected.

Greens eyes only licked his lips as his eyes gazed at my own "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." he complimented.

This caused me to only looked down "Thank you and yours?" I asked.

"Benjamin." He stated as he looked at me with hard eyes. I felt so small with my five foot and six inches height. Gree...Benjamin had to be at least six foot and four inches.

"So can I call you- you can call me whatever name I don't really mind either or.." I interrupted. This caused him to shake his head before his lips formed in a straight line.

"Please, do not cut me off when I am talking, it's not only rude but very impolite." he stated. His outburst caught me off guard and his tone was very off putting which made me look him up and down before walking past him. Did he not understand that I was nervous and when I am nervous I tend to babble. Before I could completely walk out of his grasp he grabbed my arm which in return I tried to pull away.

"Wait!" he called out " I wasn't done talking to you." he stated.

"Well I am finish with our little discussion, I have good day Mr. ..." I waited for him to give me his last name.

"Scott" he finished.

I snatched my arm away "Good night Mr. Scott." I stated without sparing a glance. 

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