Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

After that night, he left me with no words. Just silence. But I had managed to fall asleep with no dreams.

I was confused. Literally. What had that kiss meant? What were we now? It was like I was back in secondary school, where a boy smiles at you and you’re left wondering what it meant.

It was exactly like secondary school. Especially when it came over to the next morning, standing in front of my closet and wondering what to wear that day. I was supposed to go out and get some flour from a farm with Haze.

In the end I settled on a blue dress and denim jacket.

I walked into the café with the thoughts of everyone staring at me whilst keeping an eye out for Haze.

He was standing there with a shirt, waiting for me. I opened my mouth to speak, but had no idea what to say.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Sure,” I replied, aware of the tense atmosphere. What did I expect him to do?

But I was glad of one thing; he hadn’t told me the kiss meant nothing to him. It had to be a good sign. I climbed into Jared’s Jeep and Haze started the car. The farm we were going to was 45 minutes away and I prepared myself for a long journey.

It may sound cliché, but five minutes into the journey and I felt like it was eternity. The radio station wasn’t even that good. I decided I’d had enough.

“About last night…” I started, but ran out of words. He raised his eyebrows in a playful manner and his lips curled into a smirk. Those lips that had been on mine…

“About last night?” he asked.

I fiddled with my skirt. “Come on Vanessa. You made the first move,”

I had a lot of points to argue with that. He was the one with the attractive smell, the one with the sexy stubble and light eyes. He had been the one who put his face close to mine with that cute concerned frown, which had enlarged his eyes. He was the one with those soft warm lips.

But I was the one who out mine on his. I was the one who had closed the gap.

“It seemed right at the time,” I replied.

“At the time?” he asked and gave me a sideward look.

Not just at the time I thought. Right now as well. Right here, right now I want to kiss you. In fact I want more.

But I couldn’t say that.

“Yeah, at the time,” I said, my cheeks heating up. “Not now. I was…um…I wasn’t feeling well then,”

His eyebrows raised in a cocky manner. His arm that had been leaning on the open window clutched the steering wheel and I saw the muscle move underneath his tanned skin. All that farming must have paid off into toned arms, and I had been hoping there would be more under that shirt.

“So it wasn’t my good looks that made you, then?” he asked me, and my blush must have answered his question. He laughed.

“So what if it was? I’m a woman. You’re a man, what do you expect?” I asked him and he slowed down the car.

“You know, if you do want more…” he hesitated. “Then…”


“Then we could give it a shot,” he replied, looking into my eyes. His graze sent shivers down me and the sunlight highlighted the golden flecks in his eyes. Beautiful gold coins, with tiny pupils in the middle that were focused on me.

“What do you say?” he asked me.

“Yeah, why not?” I replied, but of course I was screaming ‘YES’ in my head.

He sped up the car again, and I rolled my windows down, the wind blowing in my hair. Me and Haze. Vanessa and Haze. Vaze. Hanessa. I haven’t even been on a date yet? Why am I creating ship names?

His name intrigued me. Haze. It was unusual. It sounded like Hayes, but the spelling was different.

“Why’s your name Haze?” I asked him. “I mean…it’s kind of different, isn’t it?”

He grinned. “When I was born, mom saw me and thought I was a girl. Then she noticed my eyes and wanted to call me Hazel and when she realized I was a boy, I ended up with Haze”

“I though all babies have blue eyes when they’re born?” I asked.

“Yeah, except darker, brownish colours,” he said, and I was surprised by his knowledge.

He exited the motorway and drove down a road with a lot of bumps. It was a hilly area and there were houses around, all on different levels, creating a perfect view. I had visited this place before with Haze, but I never became tired of the views.

“I love this place, “I exclaimed, earning me an amused glance from Haze.

“You sound like you’ve never been to the countryside,” he said.

“I haven’t!” I said. “Except Pineham, of course, and driving past it in the motorway,”

“Really?” he looked surprised.

“I’m from London, remember?” I said.

“Oh yeah,” he muttered. “What did you do in London? Why’d you come here?”

“Oh, so you’re Sherlock Holmes now?” I asked him, trying to change the subject. I didn’t want to tell him the truth, and I didn’t want to lie to him either.

“I’m not Sherlock Holmes,” he said. “But I have a better IQ than him,”

“Oh, please,” I replied. “No one can beat Sherlock,”

He smirked. “If you say so,”

Song Of The Chapter: Battlefield – Lea Michele

Book Of The Week: The Pact – Jodi Picoult

Wattpad Book Of The Week: I said I love you – ColdLady_19

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