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I was kind of excited to know that Yoongi was a little too. But right now he look happy just to tell me what happen and to be honest I hate this Joowon guy. How could you do that to a little as cute as Yoongi. I know if we didn't hurry up that Jin-hyung would come up to get us.

I grab Yoongi hand and stood up while he follow me. " Just forget about that now and lets go meet the rest of the guys and eat really good food," I said to him wiping his face one more time. I continue to hold his hand as I made my way into the living room. Where the rest of the 5 boys sat chatting with one and another.

I look over at Yoongi to see him getting nervous. " Yoongi it okay," I whispered to him. He nod his head and let go of my hand. I frown but then again maybe he is uncomfortable about it. I shrugged and sat down on the couch in between Jungkook and Jimin.

The both hug me as they watch tv. " Guys let go. I want to get up," I said trying to get out of their hold. They finally let go of me and I pull Yoongi in front of the tv. I smile as I got their attention.

" Guy this is Yoongi he is our new neighbor and my new friend," I said happily. I notice no one said a thing and everyone just stare at Yoongi. He went to step away a bit but I grab a hold of his arm before he could.

" Sorry Yoongi I'm Namjoon," I saw hyung get up to meet Yoongi because the others were being rude to him. Hoseok came through too then slowly everyone introduced themselves. I saw Jin walk into the living room mad and yelled," if no one is going to eat then you all can go to bed."

He then grab Yoongi and drag the poor boy into the kitchen to eat. I follow closely behind to see what Jin-hyung was going to do. I stop behind a corner and saw Jin-hyung bring something to Yoongi mouth. I smile at the scene in front of me but it was live short because someone pull me from behind.

I notice that Hoseok and Jungkook were the reason why. " What do you guys want," I asked looking up at them. They point to Yoongi in the kitchen and said at the same time," how did you become friends if you just meant him two days ago." " Well we share something in common so it made it very easy to become friends," I said looking back into the kitchen.

I wonder it they got it or not. I look back at them and said," he's a little like me and is going through a hard time right now." Jungkook smile and pull Hoseok away. Why is everyone in this apartment weird?

I gave up on trying to figure out why and walk into he kitchen to find Jin-hyung cooing over Yoongi as he feed him. I saw Yoongi blush trying to get away from him. " Jin-hyung, Jimin said a bad word to Jungkook just now," I said trying to help Yoongi get away from him. Jin seem to be mad at what I just said and go to the living room to scold the boys. I grab a hold of Yoongi hand again taking him back home.

" I'm sorry about them," I said shyly. He smile and shrugged," what can you do?" I smile too saying goodbye to him and watching him go inside before making my way back down to my apartment. I hope it gets better for Yoongi.

When I got home I came face to face with Jimin. I smile a bit trying to get around him. " I think you should apologise badly boy," he said getting closer to me. I smile and made tears come to my eyes.

I start to cry loudly and I heard doorstep run to the door. Namjoon glared over at Jimin as he went to me to pick me up. I laid my head down on his shoulder smirking at Jimin. He look shook at what just happen. But came out of it quickly to notice Jin standing in front of him. I feel kind of bad but what can you do now.

I didn't know how trier I was till Namjoon laid me in bed. " Thank you daddy," I said yawning as I closed my eye. I didn't hear what he said before I fell asleep.

Third person

The rest of the boys downstairs watch Jimin and Jin. But was lived short when Namjoon came back down. " What so you guys know about Taehyung friend," he ask looking at the others who were now on their phones.

No one spoke up till Jin said," all I know is that he is new and had a bad break up like I said before." Namjoon seem to understand but look over at the over three boys. Jimin look over at Namjoon and shrugged his shoulders not really knowing who Yoongi was along with Hoseok.

The only one who haven't answer was Jungkook and well he didn't say anything at all. Till Namjoon look over at him. He sigh while putting down his phone," I have seen him once 4 months ago at the store with another boy a bit taller then him but that all I know."

Jungkook didn't want to add what the little boy was doing and he didn't understand why Yoongi would be a dominate. The small boy was shy and scare it seem like when he came over.


( Song: Exo- Ko Ko Bop )

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