Chapter 3: Diapers, Feminine Pads, and Chocolate-Covered Fruits

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Chapter 3: Diapers, Feminine Pads, and Chocolate-Covered Fruits

Heeeeey guys, I know it's been a while, but here is the third chapter of this book that may or not be funny.

I'm so excited for y'all to read this!!!!

So, I'm thinking that the first five people to comment and vote get a dedication and a character named after them? That sound good? Lol

I open my eyes in the morning to the sound of my baby sister crying.  I look on my worn, wooden table and glance at my cellphone.  I reach over and press the home button only to groan at the sight before me.  The screen read that it was 5:13 a.m.  I sit up on my stiff bed and mentally fight myself trying to not flinch at the ache of my bones and muscles from last night’s fight.  My opponent was worthy, but I could tell she was only fighting for herself, and just for that, she’d never win against me. 

Repositioning my feet to edge of the bed, I walk over to my sister’s makeshift crib at the foot of the bed.  Lifting her from her place of rest, I gently rock her back and forth until the whining had ceased.  Opting out of a shower, as I had already taken one the night before, I outfitted Tanya in warm black pants, a grey long-sleeve shirt, and a winter coat; all infant-appropriate sizes. 

I set Tanya down for a moment to change from my sweats to a pair of jeans, I kept my old Superman shirt on and slid my arms into a thin black sweater.  I carried Tanya into our tiny kitchen-slash-living room-slash-dining room.  I placed her upon her child’s stool and opened the cupboard.  I grabbed the last jar of baby food and mentally cursed myself for not shopping for groceries sooner.  I took the lid off of the jar and set it down with a baby spoon for Tanya. 

Walking back into the kitchen, I quickly grabbed the milk formula and mixed the solution before popping it into the microwave.  When the milk was ready I took it and placed into Tanya’s eager hands.  Leaving her to her meal, I walked the short trek back into my room and grabbed my phone, my charger, my backpack, Tanya’s diaper bag, and my keys.  Back in the living room, I disposed of Tanya’s trash, rinsed her dishes, and lifted her into my arms amidst the rest of our belongings.  Before walking out of the front door, I slipped on my shoes and turned off the light. 

I lock the door, then soon after, Tanya and I begin our five-minute journey to her daycare.  I walked briskly and made it to the building in a record time of three minutes.  The building was burgundy and the paint on the wood was beginning to chip.  Inside, the pleasant desk secretary, Riley, greeted me and informed me that I was clear to go through to the next door where her boss was located. 

Once inside, I grinned at the beautiful black woman walking towards me, “Hey, Chris.”

“It’s lovely to see you here, Genevieve.”  She gently took Tanya from my arms and nudged me towards the door.  “I’d love to talk to you, but we can talk some other time when you don’t have to be at school.” 

“But I wanted to talk to you about -” 

“I know what you want to talk to you about and my response is always the same.  I trust that you will pay me when you can, but for now, don’t worry about it.” 

I shook my head and my curls bounced slightly as I amended, “No, I was going to say that I got the money for this month and last.  Do you want me to leave it with Riley or give it to you?” 

“Is it cash again?”  I nodded my head.  “Then, you can give it to me.”

After digging the wad of money equalling $210, I placed it into Chris’ hand.  “Now, go, Radke.  Don’t make me say it again.”  She kicked me out with a playful motherly smile on her face. 

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