The meeting

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I am going to see if the boys will let me open the concert for them.

"Hey Harry can I open the show please?"

"I don't care but I need to ask the others first."

"Ok I will go ask them."

" hey boys I need to ask you something so come in here."

" can I open the show please?"

"Yes you can."

"Thank you I will be in mine and Niall's room writing ok."

"Ok we are leaving at 3 so you have about 5 hours."

I am going to be singing then I am going to switch to raping in the middle of the song because Niall said that there is going to be a lot of other singers and some rappers there to so I'm going to impress them.

It took me one minute to write my song I'm going to sing and it is pretty good.

"Hey Niall I am done writing come me get dressed please then I need Harry to fix my hair he is the only one allowed to touch my hair because he lets me touch his so your hair dresser is not aloud to touch this ok ok."

"Ok then I will tell her ok."

"Get all of your hair stuff and come to my bathroom please."

"What do you want to go with your hair?"

"You chose."

"Ok how about we curl it then leave it down?"

"Ok then you can do my make up."

"What color do you want?"


Harry is really good at doing my make up and my hair. He is the one that does my make up in the morning so I keep it in his bathroom.

"Are you done yet it is 2:30 you need to get ready Harry?"

"I am done with her hair."

"Ok you get ready then you can do her make up at rehearsal ok."

"Ok shell grab the make up then."

"Go get ready Harry."

"I am gosh Liam chill out we won't be late I just have to put on a shirt that's it."

Harry goes around the house with no shirt because he clams 'it's to hot'.

"I am done let's go."

Skip The car ride

"Harry I have 10 minutes you have to do my make up come on."

"Come here then."

"Wait Harry does her make up?"

"Yes he does she tried one time but she messed up so Harry started doing it."

"Damn he is good at it."

"I know I told him he needs to do our make up but he said that he will do it for just her."

"So he likes her or what."

"No Niall has her she said his hair is to curly for her."

"That is so funny I bet you Harry was crying after she said that."

"He was."

"Ok Shelby your on now let's go."

"Bye guys see you soon."

"Bye babe."

"Get a room we don't want to see that."

"Shut up you kiss Perrie in front of me and I am sure I don't want to see that."

"Go Shelby."

"Hello guys I am Shelby. They are my brothers/boyfriend. This song is new I wrote it yesterday and it only took 1 minute to write so here I go."

I figured it out

I figured it out from Blake and white

Seconds and hours

maybe they had to take sometime

I know how it goes

I know how it goes from wrong and right

Silence and sound

Did they ever hold each other tight like us?

(There is more to the song it's by One Direction You and I.)

When I finished the song I saw Drake and Eminem on the side of the stage staring at me with there mouths open.

"Hey you might want to close your mouth or you will get flies in there."

"Hey you are amazing."

"Do you want to record with us on our new song?"

"Sure let me ask dad if we can go home and see if we can use the studio."

"Hey dad can we go record at home please I am going to be singing with them on there new song."

"I don't care text me when you get there and you two make sure she eats ok."

"We will and thank you."

"No problem she has been trying to get a record label to sign her for a year now but they won't."

"Well I mightn't just have to sign her then."

"Ok I have to go on stage now bye shell."

"Bye daddy love you."

"You to."

"Coming guys?"

"Oh yes sorry."

"It's ok."

"Here is the parts you are going to sing and we are going to sing those parts we will tell you when to go."

"Ok let's get started."

The song was headlights by Eminem.

"That was amazing Shelby do you want to help us write a song for the album?"

"I already have a lot of songs already written in my notebook do you want to see them dad said I need to record them and make an album I told him that I am not because no one will buy it."

"These are good hey Shelby can we please record some of these with you and we were wanting to know if we can sign you to ours teams please?"

"Oh. My. Gosh. Yes and yes no one has ever asked me that they all said I sucked that no one will ever be a fan of me!!"

"Well they lied to you because you have 7 fans already."

"Are we going to record those songs or what."

"Yes I will do the first few verses then you can come in before the course and we will sing that together then Drake will sing then next few verses then you sing the rest."

My Life : Adopted by One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now