I Saved Every Letter

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A/N Lin and Philipa are both single.

Lins POV
I'm on my way to go meet Groff for some coffee and I turn down a really busy street.
"Dammit! Hey Siri, call Groff Sauce." I call out to my phone.

"Calling Groff Sauce"Siri says in her robotic voice.
"Hello?" Groff asked.
"Hey it's Lin I'm gonna be late for coffee, sorry man."
"Yeah it's fine." He tries to sound happy but I can hear in his voice that he's mad at me.
"Ok see ya in a bit" I replied calmly.
"Bye." Before I have a chance to say goodbye he hung up. I look down and check my phone to see if it turned off.
I look up and see a giant shipping truck speeding straight towards me.

Glass shatters everywhere. I know it's cutting me, but I can't feel it. I look down at the blood. My view is all red and blurry. I look up and see a familiar face rushing towards me. I can't remember who it is. That's the last thing I saw before I passed out.

~Time skip until Lin gets to the hospital~

Pippa POV
I'm sitting down on the couch texting Renée about dinner plans with Jazzy when my phone lights up with an unknown number. I answer it slowly.
"Are you a close friend or relative to Lin Manuel Miranda?" She asked.
"Yes, is he ok?"

"He is in the hospital please come down right away"
"Ok" I say quietly. I sprint out of my apartment and catch a cab to the hospital still in my bunny slippers and sweatpants. He can't die, I need him. I...love him

~Time Skip~

The hospital was busy and crowded. I asked the nurse if I could see him.

"Yes but he is in a coma and he has some serious injuries. He is in room 349 floor 3 just down the hall to your left."
I rush down to the elevator without thanking her. When I get to his room I see him, his chest slowly rises and falls. His skin is paler than normal and his face is covered in cuts. I don't know what to do.

So I write.
I write letters to Lin, saying how much I miss him. I write about the cast and the fun adventures we go on. The one thing I don't write about how much I love him. I've always liked Lin but I've never told him. I've always been embarrassed because I know he would never like me back.

I write to him everyday.

Today is a special day, not only is it Lin's birthday but it's the 50th day that he's been in a coma. Today is the day that I'm going to write about love.

Dear Lin,

Today is your birthday, the cast is going to my house tonight and playing a slideshow of our best memories with you. I miss you. Everyone misses you, please wake up. I want to tell that
I love you, I always have loved you and I just want you to be healthy and happy forever. You deserve the best in the world. If we could trade places, I would without thinking twice. I love you.
Please wake up
Love, Pippa

I put the note in his dressing room after reading it to him at the hospital and then go back home to get ready for tonight. It was a silent car ride but the good kind. Ever since Lin crashed, I've been scared to drive again.
I organized the slideshow, but I cried at every photo. Jazzy comes inside with a bar of chocolate and a box of tissues. I gratefully accept them. She pulls me up from the couch and pulls me into a giant hug. Everyone arrives one after the other or in groups of two at 7:00. Renée was the last person there because of traffic.
Everyone sits down on the couch and we put the protector facing a wall. We all look at each photo, not saying a word. There wasn't a dry eye. I hear weird cry-hiccuping noises so I turn around and see Groff being cuddled by Daveed. I wish Lin could see that.
I look back at the pictures and see one of Lin and I together. I can't take it anymore so I leave the room. I write the letter for tomorrow.
I write as much as I can until I fall asleep.

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