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My name is Kalani and I live in a foster home. I'm twelve years old and I have brown hair, brown eyes I like to sing and dance.  Their names were Mark and Amara Raye. They didn't hate me and treated me like one of their own. But they were low in money and the money that they got from me was barely enough for them and their three kids, let alone a fourth kid. They told me that they were giving me up about a month ago so I had time to say goodbye to my friends. Not that I had that many.

I had one friend who lived in Canada who I talked with online. Her name was Katie and she was 12.I had a small phone that was slow and almost broken but I didn't complain. We talked every night when it was 11:00 at night here in New York, it was 8:00 at night there but that didn't make a huge difference.

Neither of us actually sleep.
The day that I would be put into a new foster home was quickly approaching. My foster brother, Darcy was seventeen and my foster sisters were twin sisters named Carmen and Sophie were eight.They walked in as I walked downstairs.
"Kalani can you go lock the door" Amara asks
"Yeah sure can I ask you a question?"
"After you lock the door sure"

I walk over to the door and turn the knob. It shuts slowly and squeaks, I keep turning until it clicks. I walk back over to her and tell her.
"Do you know anything about my new family?"I ask timidly. "Yes I have his file, I picked it up before work." Amara was a waitress and Mark was an engineer. He worked with his best friend Jack who happened to come over tonight for dinner. They went into his office and got to work while Darcy went to his room to work on something and the twins played with Barbies. So I could talk to her by myself. She hands me a large envelope and goes to the kitchen to get started on dinner. I go back to my room and look and the envelope and all the writing on it. I start reading.

Mr. Miranda

Hmm. Can't judge a book by its cover. Sounds like a normal dude. I open the envelope and start reading about him.
Name: Lin-Manuel Miranda
Works in broadway.
Written Musicals.
Song writer.

Ok less normal. Wait, Darcy was talking about a man with the first name Lin on broadway last night. There can't be two Lins in broadway, right?

I walk to his room and knock in the door.

"Hey Darce?" "Yeah Kalani" "Can I come in?" "Yeah sure"
I walk in and sit at his desk chair while he lies in bed on his phone. "Do you know Lin Manuel Miran-" "Yeah why?" He says cutting me off.
"He's my new... foster parent?" "Oh that's cool" I walk out of his room closing the door behind me. I go back to my room and go on my phone and google him.

I read about him for a little bit until I stumble upon a musical he wrote called Hamilton. Hamilton as in the founding father? Sounds boring. I'm just about to click on the Wikipedia page for Hamilton when Amara call us for dinner. I run downstairs for dinner and see that we're having homemade pizza so I grab two pieces, quickly eat them, put the dish in the sink and go back to my room. I go back to my phone and see that I got a text from Katie saying that she couldn't talk tonight. I responded with "😣ok" and went back to Wikipedia and read about the musical and decided to give it a listen. I clicked in the first song and listened. Then clicked on the next one and listened. I did this until the very last song. I was in tears by the end but I stood up and got ready to go to bed and fell asleep exited to meet him.

The man who would change my life.


Today is the day that I leave. I pack my clothes and my phone and charger. My bag looks still really empty because I don't have that many clothes. Mark and Amara get me a present before I leave even though that can't afford to waste money on unnecessary items. I open the box the hand me on my last day there.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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