Part 4: Fireball

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Nora walked out to the front porch and sat down in her favorite black oak rocking chair, letting her arms rest on the splintered wood. She listened to the creaking of the beams below her as the chair repeatedly struck against them in a fluid motion. Back and forth. Back and forth.

A red streak flew past her field of vision. Off he went! Across the yard, around the chicken coop, behind the house, then back again. That fox was a red ball of never-ending energy. Kind of like...

Suddenly, Nora leaped to her feet.

"Fireball!" she declared. The fox stopped in his tracks and peered back at her. "That's what I shall call you."

Satisfied, she sunk back into her chair and prepared for her afternoon nap. But Fireball bounded towards her and sat before her chair. Nora leaned down and gently placed her new fox friend in her lap. She stroked his coarse fur, letting her fingers gently massage his skin. Then she kissed the top of his head, breathing in the sweet scent of lavender shampoo she had applied that morning.

"Please don't leave me," she whispered into his ear.

Fireball licked her nose in response.


"I've come for your birds," a voice announced.

The poor chickens were terrified of Fireball and they wouldn't step outside the coop even when the fox wasn't out in the yard. Nora didn't blame them. Although she fed him well, Fireball was still wild by nature. At any moment, his instincts could kick in and then Oreo would no longer be the only one from the flock in chicken heaven, if there was such a thing. So the chickens had to go.

"Mary!" Nora exclaimed. She placed her needlework on the rocking chair and crossed the porch to meet her friend.

Mary wore a simple sky blue dress adorned with a white ribbon tied around her rotund figure. Her auburn hair was tied in a messy bun at the nape of her neck and a straw hat provided some cover for her fair skin.

"I'm glad you called me," Mary said. "I was really craving some fresh eggs."

Nora smiled. "They do make some good ones. Are you sure you don't mind taking all of them?"

"It's no trouble at all," Mary said. "How hard could it be?"

"Not too terribly difficult," Nora agreed. "Come, I'll introduce you."

Nora led her friend to the coop and the two of them peeked inside at the oblivious poultry.

"See, the rooster over there is Jack. That one over there? That's Big Red. Next to her, you've got Blanca. And she's..."

"Ow!" Mary exclaimed. "What the heck was that? Something bit my..." She looked down at her bleeding ankle and then spotted Fireball looking up at her.

"Fireball! Bad boy!" Nora said as she wagged her pointer finger at him. "You hear me? Bad boy!"

Mary walked over to her friend and gently placed her hand on Nora's upper arm.

"Don't worry about it, Nor," she said. "It didn't really hurt. I was just surprised is all."

She began to approach Fireball and stooped down on one knee. The fox walked over to her and let the woman scratch behind his ears and down the length of his back.

"Besides," Mary continued. "I think this little guy was just jealous. Weren't you, cutie patootie?"

"I guess he is pretty spoiled," Nora said with a laugh.

"Mhmm. Come, Nor. We have much to discuss. The vet clinic hasn't at all been the same since you left."

Mary stood back up and led Nora inside the house, leaving Fireball to chase after his bushy tail.

To be continued...

A/N: Hi guys! If you liked Part 4, please don't forget to vote! And if you have any comments or questions, I'd love to talk to you all! :)

Also sorry that this part is a little on the short side. It took me forever to come up with a concept and I just didn't know how to expand it. The next part is longer though. I promise!

What do you think about Nora's name choice for her new friend?

Did she make the right choice in selling her chickens?

Fireball: A Fox TaleWhere stories live. Discover now