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Kenny's POV:

I sat on my bed room floor my parka hood pulled over my head, and the entire house was silent. Everyone had somewhere to be except me. I wasnt bored and without anything to do I had plenty on my mind. The biggest thing on my mind was why I never stayed dead, and why no one remembered me dying.

Every day of my life I end up dying in some impossible way. I knew this happened all the time, but I didn't have the answers to why it happens. It feels as if there's still one door shut in my minds eye. Well whatever that mumbo jumbo means. I guess the reason this all is affecting me today is because of yesterday. I died again like any other day, but it was different. Because this time I died saving someone's life, and he remembered.

~Flash back to the day before~
"Hey Kenny! Wait up!" I looked behind me to see a red curly haired boy waving happily at me. "Hey Kyle." I smiled and waved back he caught up with me. "Are you going to Stan's birthday Saturday? I guess his parents are making it big since he'll be 18 and outta the house by June." My smile grew. "Yea I'll be there I think I found him a reasonable gift." Today there was less snow than usual and more dry cold air, it had rained off and on through the night which promised ice. There were hardly any people driving around Kyle slipped a little and we laughed. We were aproaching a cross walk that was at least a block from our neighborhood. When a large logging truck turned toward our direction. I noticed the drivers expression he was panicked and waved frantically at us to move as he layed on the horn. That's when I noticed the asphalt was covered with a thick layer of black ice, the truck wasnt stopping. I immediately shouted to Kyle "Shit! Kyle move!" I shoved Kyle across the road out of the way which in return made me take his place. Before the impact I heard Kyle's scream. "Oh my god Kenny!!" I was scared shirtless for Kyle but it was lights out.

~ End of flash back~

It hurt, it always hurts but what really scared me was when Kyle came up to me the next morning at the bus stop he practically tackled me to the snow ignoring Cartman's petty homophobic comments. Tears pooled out of Kyle's eyes he was stuttering all over the place and struggled to find his words. "Are you crazy! How are you even here! Kenny how does this happen all the time! Kenny tell me!!" Kyle remembered me dying. Out of all those times he finally remembered, how? Why now?

I couldn't help but cry myself, I wasn't sad they was tears of relief. Kyle remembered everything. Through his stubborn uptight core I would have never guessed that Kyle broflovski of all people would 'understand'?
I felt a vibrate in my parka pocket. It was the old dinosaur phone Stan let me borrow. I shuffled it out of my pocket and checked to see who it was. It was a text from a certain someone how fantastic.

Kyle: "Hey."

Kenny: "Hey (;"

Kyle: "I really need to talk to you dude."

Kenny: "Alright.. Should I meet you somewhere?"

Kyle: "The bus stop."

Kenny: "See you there."

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