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Kyle's POV

"Kyle! Are you boys awake?" My mother yelled I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I felt somthing wrapped around my waist as my eyes adjusted. "Oh." I blushed, Kenny's arms were wrapped around me, his cheek rested on my abdomen. "Kyle!" I jumped at her second yell. "Yeah mom! Be right there one sec!"
I poked Kenny's cheek which didn't phase him. Sure it was a small poke, but not even the atomic bomb could wake Kenny McCormick he was a heavy sleeper. "Kenny." I shook him "Dude wake up." I laughed and shook him some more. "Noooo.. why..." he shifted. "Dude.. why the fuck do you wake up so early on a Saturday?" His eyes wernt open to see my eye's roll. "It's 1 in the after noon." I said, he wined.

"Come on Kenny, get up." I would have gotten up if possible. It was physically and mentally trying for me to remove myself from this position. It just felt so right to lay here with this boy, I sighed and impulsivly scooted close to him. His beautiful eyes shot open as a blush crept up onto his cheeks. He looked like he was going to say something but he closed his mouth. I smirked "What were you going to say?" Kenny shook his head trying to dismiss this. "No tell me." He smiled then sat up. I chuckled at the sight of his ridiculous yet adorable bed head.

Kenny's POV

I swear to god Kyle's doing this on purpose, I nearly confessed myself to him. Our faces were less than a inch apart... But I couldn't. Me dying and all... I can't get him mixed into this situation, I shouldn't have slept in anyway I didn't die yesterday. It's gonna be brutal today. I can't let Kyle see this one, I slid off the bed and started pulling on my clothes. "Where are you going?" He asked face partly under the comforter.

"I promised Karen I'd take her to the park today, and you know Kevin won't do shit." I buckled my belt and watched Kyle's expression. "Well wanna hang out tomorrow? My mom's hauling the family to a Shacharit service. It's gonna be super boring... I plan to fake sick." I gave him a gental smile. "Sure." I pulled on my boots and started making my way out of the room. "Bye Kyle." He smiled faintly.

He knew I was lying about what I was really doing today. "Bye Kenny.."

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