Bad Blood

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Some limited spoilers from Jedi Apprentice.
No betas, therefore the mistakes are all mine.
See chapter one for disclaimers.

Obi-Wan runs. It doesn't matter to him where he is running only that he is running... only that there is increasing distance between him and the other Jedi. Even as he runs the feelings coursing through his hot veins grows stronger. Obi-Wan wants to strike things. He wants to hurt things. He wants to kill things. Mostly, he wants to kill Anakin.

"No!" he yells as he comes to a stop. "I must... focus," he whispers through clenched teeth. Slowly, bit by bit, breath by breath he fights to push back the dark thoughts racing through his mind. However, no sooner than he begins to make some progress and regain some semblance of himself the pain returns.

Obi-Wan doesn't have time to brace for it. He is immediately seized by the sensation that he is being immolated where he stands. He falls to the ground and begins to writhe and wriggle in the dirt uncontrollably. His eyes squeeze shut so tightly that stars dance behind his lids. He has no choice but to abandon himself to the pain as it is no longer confined to his torso, but has spread to his arms and back. He is currently incapable of checking for lesions, but he has no doubt that they have spread as well. The torture session is longer and stronger than the previous and Obi-Wan is helpless before it. It is all he can do to simply endure it. Finally, after what seems an eternity, the pain gradually abates. Obi-Wan lies still in the dirt for several minutes. If the next attack escalates as this one had... Obi-Wan is unsure of his ability to survive it. Slowly, he pushes himself up from the dirt, not even bothering to dust himself off. It is getting quite cold and Obi-Wan immediately misses the warm fire that is burning back in the cave with Anakin, but he can't go back. He had barely maintained control when the anger hit him. If he hadn't... If he had hurt Anakin... he would never forgive himself. No, he knows he has to stay away. Internally, he thanks the Force that Anakin is too injured to come and look for him. Obi-Wan looks down at his Jedi communicator and heaves a heavy sigh.


"Obi-Wan? Where are you? Are you,"

"I'm fine... for the moment," Obi-Wan replies. "Anakin, I... I cannot return to the cave I'm afraid. I need you to keep that transponder transmitting and the moment help arrives I want you to get out here."

"Master, I'm not leaving without you."

"Anakin," Obi-Wan sighed. "For once I need you to listen to me. When the gunship lands I want you on it. Do not come looking for me. It's too dangerous and you know it."

"Obi-Wan, please... Talk to me. What is going on? Tell me where you are!"

"I'm sorry, Anakin. I can't... I can't risk hurting you... Goodbye," Obi-Wan ends.

"Wait! Obi-Wan! Obi-Wan!" Anakin's voice yells desperately over the comm. For just a moment, Obi-Wan feels his resolve waver, but he knows he is doing the right thing. He detaches the communicator and lays it on a nearby stone. He then smashes it under the weight of a smaller rock. Anakin will not be able to track him this way. The only remaining option is to track him through their bond. Obi-Wan closes off his mind, erecting the tightest and strongest shields he knows how. It is his only insurance to keep Anakin away. Now it is time to wait; time to wait and see what the Force has in store for him. And so he sits in the cold, darkness unable to release his emotions... utterly alone... and terrified.

* * * * *

Anakin repeatedly taps his communicator trying to reconnect with his former master, but his efforts yield only silence. He tries to locate Obi-Wan's signal, but even that proves useless. Anakin roars in frustration. If only he could walk! If only he weren't injured he could be out there helping Obi-Wan instead of sitting in a cave utterly useless. He tries once again to reach out over their old training bond and once again Anakin's efforts are violently rebuffed. Suddenly, his holo-communicator beeps.

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