~Chapter 2~

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Chapter 2: Baking Buddies

It was the next day already. And I was in 4th period. I was tired, bored, and not really paying attention. But, suddenly I hear the word 'dessert' and 'baking' travel into my ears as I was now fully paying attention.

What can I say? I love food. Well, I wasn't really good at baking per say, but I did enjoy it.

But again...We had to work in partners. Though this time, they were chosen for us. So, it was more of a relief on my side than something that was considered 'unfair' to others.

The teacher starts calling out the names.

"Holly with Brandon."

"Jordan with Abby."

"Alex with John."

"Harley with Angela."

Wait, what?


"Harley and Angela, you will be at kitchen 3." The teacher instructs.

My body tense a bit as I could feel my heart rise. Well...I guess when Harley said "maybe next time." He didn't expect it to happen so soon. I steal a quick glance at Harley as I stand up. He didn't seem to look bothered by this fact. But who knows, he's probably raging inside...or something.

I walk over to kitchen 3 and stand in front of the table that had bowls of different sizes, measuring spoons and cups, along with flour, eggs, and other ingredients. From what it seemed like, I caught the hint on what we were baking today.

Harley slowly makes his way to the kitchen and stands beside me, but not too close. The teacher stands in front of the class and shows us a picture of a beautiful, fattening, frosted treat. Cake. I almost could feel my heart jump in excitement.

"Today, you all will be trying to copy this exact cake shown in the picture I have here," The teacher shows us all a simple picture of a vanilla blonde cake with white frosting covering it all over. It looked simple and sweet.

The teacher pinned up the photo on a large board in front of the class so we had the example. The instructions on how to bake the cake were settled on the table next to the ingredients. I grab the apron that was hung on a little hook and tie it around me. And now, I was ready to bake!

I look over at Harley who had the apron on as well, but it was a bit short for him, since he was tall. It kinda looked adorable, to be honest.

G-Gahh! What am I even thinking?

He grabs the paper of instructions and scans it, then looks over at me with his calm face.

"Do you have any experience with baking?" He asks. I smile shyly and shake my head.

"No, not really." I speak softly. Harley looks back at the paper and grabs the flour.

"We need to make separate bowls for wet and dry ingredients...I think?" He questions himself. Harley looks at me and points to the eggs.

"You can do wet ingredients." Harley instructs, not giving me the choice. "I will handle the dry stuff."

I nod my head understanding the task and quickly grab my materials. I take the large white bowl and gather the wet ingredients like eggs, milk and vanilla extract.

I crack two large eggs inside the bowl. The egg whites stick to the shells a bit as I place them inside the garbage. Next, I pour ½ cup of whole milk inside a measuring cup and carefully pour it inside the bowl as it mixes with the eggs. Lastly, I add ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract.

I grab a clean whisk and mix all the ingredients together. Once it was all mixed together in a liquid form I look over at Harley to see how he was doing. He had just finished mixing together the cake flour and baking powder. He turns his head to me and places down his whisk.

"Are you done?" He asks. I nod my head happily and bring my bowl of mixed liquid to his bowl of dry powders. I lift up the bowl and very carefully pour it in with his bowl. Then, I grab some butter and place it inside the bowl. As I do so, Harley starts slowly stirring them together making it into a thick batter.

Once the cake batter looked just about finished, I grab a pan and spray some non stick stuff on the pan. Harley gently takes the bowl of finished cake batter and pours it inside the pan. I grab a spatula and gather the rest of the access batter.

When we finish that, we place the dishes in the sink. I realize that I had some batter on my fingers, so I decided to just lick it off.

Yuuumm! It's so good!

There was a low chuckle coming from beside me as I look over at Harley. He had batter on his fingers too, and he was licking it off as well.

"It's good, isn't it?" Harley smiles at me. I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit but I smile brightly.

"Yeah, it's good!" I laugh shortly, giving a single nod.

Harley's eyes travel down to my nose as he laughs even more. "Haha! You got some batter on your nose!"

My eyes shoot open as a giggle escapes my lips. I cross my eyes to look at my nose. "What the–how did that even get there??"

Harley shakes his head still laughing. "I have no idea! It looks like a bird pooped on you!"

From that comment, I burst out laughing. We both were dying of laughter for no reason. It was such a silly comment, but we seemed to not be able to breath.

Eventually, the teacher caught us being 'obnoxious' and told us to knock it off. We soon did.

Harley calms down with me as he looks back at the sink turning on the water. "Hmm! That was a good laugh."

I nod my head in agreement, still smiling. "Yeah, it was."

Harley kept smiling as well while he washes the dishes. "I think I might actually like baking now."

My eyes widen as I look at him. "O-Oh, why's that?" I question curiously.

Harley shrugs. "Dunno. Probably cause I don't really bake."

I smile a bit and nod turning back to the sink.

"And also–"


"It's enjoyable baking with someone who you can have fun with."

He turns to look over at me with warm, blue eyes.

Blood races to my cheeks as I look over at him.

"Y-You think it was fun baking with me?" I ask, completely taken back by his comment.

Harley looks back at the dishes. "Yeah, I do think that."

My heart for some reason...started to beat fast. It almost fluttered. I felt so lifted.

Why did I feel so overjoyed?



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