21. Delirium

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I will wish on a shooting star
That you find the one you've been looking for
I will wish by the firefly that illuminates my demure home
That the darkness in my life will never consume yours
I will convey my words to the wingless bird
So these reveries will never be heard
I will let you be drunk in red wine
While the whole world drinks shallow beer
When the destruction shall come
I would want to hold your hand through it
But these desires will be hidden in the frames of my heart
When you'll find yourself in an endless hole
I will make you believe the white lies
Your lover tells you
I will be vulnerable in the raging motion of grief and sorrow
And even when gloom will envelope me
I will still radiate light in your world
Because this is what I'm born to do
Furnish everyone with gaiety
But I'm stuck in my own delirium
Why isn't anyone pulling me out from my
d i s t r e s s ?

P / N :
Hii guys! I want to thank everyone of you for 400 reads and 100 votes, it really means a lot. :D

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