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Chapter seven

an enjoyable silence spreaded through the castle and you were sleeping in your room. the light of the moon shined through your windows and broke the darkness. it was a peaceful night without any harm and nightmares.


''Crash'', a sudden noise pulled you out of your sweet dream. You jumped out of your bed and stood still - watching your closed door. You couldn't move, the sound was like a bomb. Fear crawled up on your back to your neck. You felt cold and started to shiver. Should you go outside and see what it was? You thought that was the most stupid idea, but just watch the door and hope the monster wouldn't come, wouldn't be better...there was no way to escape if a monster would come through the door.

Suddenly there were other was like a growl or a whimper. You felt a sudden pain in your heart. ''Is this Dark Link?...Maybe he got back and got hurt...'', you thought. With the urge to know what happened you went to your door. Slowly you touched the doorknob and with your new found confidence you pushed the door open.

''There is nobody..'', you watched the corridor. Then your eyes looked to the big wooden doors of Dark Link's room and you could see that one door of the double door was open. It was dark inside and you couldn't see more from your spot. Slowly you tip-toed to the door and pushed it open to get a look into his room. ''There will be consequences...i go to his room...if everything is okay and he is there than he will be angry...'', you thought.

It was the first rule you heard from Rosalie that you never were allowed to go to his room. ''I don't know why, but we are not allowed to go in there...he said it is his private place and don't want us to sniff around.'', Rosalie said on her first day.

But you were afraid something bad happend and you worried about him. You didn't care. This was your first step to become more self-confident, than the little afraid girl you were. It was dark, you couldn't see much, but there was this feeling that something was really wrong. You could see the outlines of a big bed in the middle of the room. The big windows were covered with curtains. You walked to the windows and pulled the fabric to the side to let the light in. A sudden growl let you shriek. You turned to the source of the noise and you frozed in the spot. Dark Link was lying on the cold floor on his stomach. Next to him a broken vase. The source of the sudden noise. He didn't move much, but from your position, you could see that the floor was wet from his blood. He was badly injured.

''Oh my gosh, what happend?'', you forgot everything in this moment. Your fear or your shyness. You hurried to his side and started to turn him around, so that he was lying on his back.

''Don't....touch me...'', he whispered.

''What? Are you crazy? i have to clean your wounds and help will die..'', you said in an angry tone.

''So what...why do you care? Now you have the chance to leave. Hurry and run away to your Light Realm, so you can have your old life back..humans are all the same...bad and afraid of everything that is different, liars and weak, you are just a prisoner, nothing more..go leave'', he whispered again and tried to sound louder, but then he growled of the pain.

''What are you talking?...i...i...just want to help you...i will not leave you behind in such a state..please...i don't want to leave..'', you answered and kneeled beside him and started to see the wounds.

He passed out after that and you were helpless. You started to put off his clothes and lied him on his bed. He was well-toned. Wow..know you were the pervert and you pushed your thoughts aside.

He was heavy and it took some time, but you managed it. After that you got to your room to catch your medical kit. It took an hour to clean his wounds. Some were really deep and you had to sew them, but you got everything done. Without your treatment he would have died. You went to the table to wash your hands in a bowl. The light from a candle helped you to see more.

''Why?'', a whisper let you turn around to watch him. He was awake, but his eyes were closed. You could see that he felt the pain from his wounds..

''What? What did you say, Master?'', you asked and sat down next to him.

''Why did you help me?...You got here because of the Stalfos, waiting for your death in a dirty cell and then you became a servant because you had no choice and now you helped me? That's ridiculous...i would run away to get home..this was the perfect chance'', he said, eyes still closed.

Now you realised where he was going with his thoughts. He didn't trust you.

''Yes it's true, i wanted to leave...'', you started. He twitched at that comment.

''but that was before i learned more about you and Rosalie.'' you said. He opened his eyes and watched you with a questioned look.

You took his hand in yours. ''I work very hard. Clean the floors, Cook with Rosalie and take care of the garden. I do this, not because i am afraid of you. Yes on my first day it was the reason, but now i do this because i like this place. i like the work and i like Rosalie and you know what?'', you said and came closer to his side. You noticed that he started to shiver. ''Wow, i also have the power to do that.'', you thought and got more confident.

Slowly you leaned forward to his ear and this was the moment you changed his world completely. With those 3 words you said...

 ''I like you!''

He froze, eyes wide and mouth slightly open, he just stared into your smiling face.

''But were afraid that i will hurt you..or not? You stepped back...'' he stuttered, didn't care that he looked weak. He wanted to know what was on your mind.

''Today...yes..i'm sorry. you know..your comments, i am not used to that kind of conversations. i am very shy and if you say something about my butt or panties, i got embarrassed. for example, It's not okay, if a woman fell in a fountain and got completely wet and instead of helping you just watch her ....'', you stuttered and make a hand sign for breasts.

''Breasts..'', he said and smiled. ''Yeah that was a sight. You also wore a white dress. What a pleasure.'', he chuckled

''Yeah that is what i mean and stop that pervert grin.'', you said playfully and gave him a slap on his arm.

''Hey, i'm will destroy your work..'', he said and growled of the sudden pain.

''oh sorry....what happend?...'', you asked.

He let out a sigh. ''I had to do a job for Ganondorf..He wanted a book from the Royal family. After the war he thought that the royal army and Hyrule is in a bad state, but he was wrong. The castle, the villages...everything was like before the war. The princess made a good job..I tried my best to sneak into the castle, but they found me and the princess used her light magic...with my last strengh i got home and then waited for my end.'', he said and closed his eyes again. He was very tired.

''Okay..that's the story behind that..but now you need rest...if you need anything, call me. i am not that far away.'', you said and went to the door.


''Yes? Master?'', you faced the door and waited.

"You look beautiful in that green dress that i gave you...", dark said with a smile.

''And call me Dark...'', he added.

'' was from you..thank you, Dark..''

You smiled and went outside. Slowly you got to your room and went to your bed to get some rest.

''He is different, he is no monster or a bad person. he cared about my feelings...he thought that i was afraid of him and got'', with a smile you fell asleep.

''I really like him...'', you drifted into a deep slumber.

##end of chatper 7###, hope you like it, thank you for reading and if you want you can give me feedback. :)

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