Chapter Seventeen

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When I walked into the Report studio, I knew my maids had done something. Most girls were in shades of blue, an if they weren't they wore yellow or green. In my stunning red dress, I felt like I was breaking a dress code or something. Maxon was already there, and I saw his eyes practically fall out of his head when he looked my way. Many of the other girls had jealous looks on their faces, and some looked like they were about to leave and get a new dress.
I took my seat next to Brianna, glad my maids had outdone themselves.
"You look beautiful, Alexandra." She complimented, and for the only time in her life she sounded jealous.
"Thank you. You do, too." I replied genuinely. She had worn a pretty emerald green dress that fitted her chest, then fell off her body in a beautiful tulle skirt.
"Thank you. Did you see how slutty Cecelia and Victoria look?" She wondered. I shot a glance in their direction, and I wasn't surprised to see she was right. Cecelia's dress was barely containing her breasts, and her skirt had a slit in it that nearly went to her hip. Victoria's neckline plunged even deeper than mine. They were both dressed in a teal-turquoise color that was identical to my first Report dress.
"Wow. They look really trashy." We giggled.
"My maids heard that you've seen Maxon three times already. Is that true?" Brianna questioned me, and I could tell she was more curious than trying to gauge out the competition.
"Yes." I answered sheepishly.
"Wow, he must really like you." She said. It sounded convicting, but I knew it wasn't because it was her.
"Good evening, ladies. You all look... Stunning." His eyes landed on me, and he stared for a while before continuing. "As you know, you will be interviewed tonight about your time at the palace so far. I know it may be nerve wracking right now, but it really isn't that bad. Just try to answer honestly, and things will go a lot easier."
"Well said, Your Highness." Silvia gushed, coming over to us. "You will each be taken one by one, and the line will go from left to right. Cecelia will be starting, and Avery will be the last girl to go."
The Report started like usual, with King Clarkson giving updates on the war in New Asia and the Infrastructure Commitee Meetings. He was very brief, and then he handed the show off to Gavril.
"Good evening, Illèa!" He sang, sitting in his stool. I tried to imagine him doing any other job, but I couldn't. He was too perfect for this role. "Tonight, I have the pleasure of interviewing these young ladies, one of which will be our future queen!"
Cecelia's interview was, to say the most, interesting. She was constantly bending over and tugging at her dress, as if it would fall to the floor at any given moment. Victoria's was equally interesting, with her having about the same problem that Cecelia did. The questions were about the same as what Brianna and I had rehearsed, so I wasn't worried.
Brianna's interview went off without a hitch, so I wasn't really worried. The worst thing I could do was make a fool of myself on national television.
"Next up we have Lady Alexandra Herrington of Columbia!" Gavril introduced me as I made my way to the interview chairs. "It's very nice to formally meet you."
"Yes, same to you." I replied.
"So, Lady Alexandra, what was life like back in Columbia?" Gavril asked, trying to make the question sound like he wasn't prying too much.
"It certainly is very interesting. I've got my three siblings to look after most of the time, and they are a bundle of fun." I smiled, thinking of our most fond memories.
"They sound like a fun bunch. I couldn't help but notice that you look rather Italian."
"Yes, it is. I'm 90 percent Italian, so my mother insisted I learn the language." I tried not to sound like I was bragging, but I kind of did.
"So, you've been at the palace for a week now. Surely, by now, you've seen our Prince Maxon?"
"Yes, I have. I answered, wanting to give more detail but also not wanting to say too much.
"And do you mind telling us what you've done with him?" He pushed, hoping to get a good answer.
"We had dessert together, and later in the week we watched a movie." I smiled at the memories, remembering how I just enjoyed every moment with Maxon.
"So you've seen him twice?" His expression lit up, interested with the news.
"Well then, I think you're the most qualified girl here to answer this question. What do you think about our prince?"
I thought carefully about my answer. Even though we'd practiced, Brianna and I were joking around more than rehearsing. I had a thousand answers to this question, but one seemed much better than all of the others.
"He's a great person. He's charming, he cares, and he's brilliant. Whichever one of us ends up with him is an extremely lucky girl."

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