Captured *Louis Tomlinson & Eleanor Calder Fan Fic*

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"I would be locked in a basement tied up to a chair. It was dark and scary. It was at the point where I couldn't see but the creepy part, I would always hear footsteps coming towards me in every direction, sometimes even one direction. He would leave me there every time he would go out. You know, for some food and drinks. Sometimes he buy me little jewelry to make me happy, but all it makes me feel bribed. I didn't like it there, he abused me way too much. Everything I say or do was wrong to him. He didn't like the things I did."

"What were those things you say or did?" the detective asked me. I saw her needy eyes wanting more information but I couldn't remember. That guy who kidnapped me gave me too many pills that I don't remember half of the stuff that I did with him. In fact who was him? I don't even remember his name. I doubt he would of told me. I also don't remember where I was. I was there for a few weeks but all it felt like it was 5 minutes. Everything happened so fast, but it still changed me for life.

"Mrs. Calder, please answer. This will help with this case," the detective said.

"I remember umm...saying 'please let me go'. I would always complain. I offered him all of my money, but he didn't take it, he said he wanted me. Only me and nothing else. But a few days later he used my money to buy me some jewelry. I had like $1,000 dollars on me, and I think he spent about 40% of it. I still have the rest of the money, in my bag next to you," I explained looking at the detective as she grabs my bag and hands it to me.

"Here child. I would never go through your personal belongings," She says with a smile. "Did you see him go in and out of your bag at the time you were there?"

"Yeah, but only the times he would get money. That's funny, I remember him saying that he'll never go through my personal belongings, but he takes my money out of my backpack." She shakes and head and shrugs her shoulders. "Do you remember what he looked like?" she asked.

"His hair was light light brown and kind of long for a guy. I can't remember his eye color. Oh yeah it was blue, a pretty blue. His face was neatly shaved. He looked my age, maybe a year older, I wouldn't know. He didn't give me none of his information. All he said that was his house and it as deep into a forest. But we have so many forests that I don't know which one."

She took notes. There was a silence. I begin to bite my fingernails and my legs started shaking. I waited for her to say something else, but five minutes just passed and she still was writing. After ten minutes she left the room and told me to stay there. 

I watched the walls as I saw them turning, it was a dark room, only with one light that reminded me of the basement and I started to hear footsteps again, but I only stayed put. I took a gander at my hand. I had at least 5 little bites of spiders in my left and 2 cuts on my right. My arms were heavily bruised and my jeans that I was wearing were ripped terribly exposing the scars that I've collected.

Suddenly the door opened. I saw the detective come in with a guy that was handcuff and had an orange jumpsuit, maybe jail uniform on. She walks him across the table and sits him in front of me, while she sits next to him. It was the guy who kidnapped me. I couldn't tell if it was him though. I was drugged so much that I can't even remember what I told the detective what he looked like. But suddenly I knew it was him because of his eyes.

"Is this the guy that kidnapped you?" she asks.

"Yes," I answered still looking at his eyes as he gazes in mine. His face showed no emotion once so ever. I didn't even see him blink once. He sat there patiently gazing at me while I hold my backpack close to me. Then I got a feeling in my heart. 

"What has this man done to you?" She asked.

"Abused me, drugged me and attempted to kill me," I answered. " I want to speak to him alone, please."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Mrs. Calder."

"You got him locked up right? Lock up everything on him like he's one to me," I snapped. She surprisingly does what I say. She grabbed handcuffs and handcuffed his feet, and place a rope on his wrists so he could be tied to the chair. She politely walked out leaving me in there with only me and him. I looked at him for a while, with still no response, reaction, or a blink from him. I dropped my backpack on the floor, and stood up. I pushed the table out of the way and stood before him. I went to go point the light at us, so he could see what he has done to me, and then I went back.

"Look what have you done," I said. Still he gives me no response.

"Look of how many times you abused me." He then looks down at my body and looks back up to meet my eyes. And that's when he starts to try to get out of the chair. I jumped back as he breaks the rope and handcuffs that were on his wrists and then he quickly did some secret technique to unlock the handcuff that handcuffed his legs on the chair. And then he stands up.

He slowly comes towards me and reached out his hand. I shook my head only thinking of what he could do to me now. I called out help rapidly and went straight to the door, to find it locked from the inside which was a stupid idea for me. I started banging on the door, as I turn back still see him walking towards me and then suddenly I was pushed down on the hard floor and he came on top of me. He began kissing me again and again while I refused and yelled help. I tried to punch him, also kicked but he would do it twice as harder.

The door finally opened, with 5 police men and three detectives. One police grabbed the guy quickly off of me and handcuffed him again, while the detective lady helped me up. The one policemen struggled to get him out of the room so the rest helped. But the guy was so strong he used his feet to kick the policemen across the room. The detectives joined in the fight but they lost quickly. Then a whole load of police came in and grabbed him all at once, to the point they were carrying him out.

"I want her! Let me have her!" he screamed as he struggled. "Please I want her. She's mine!" He was already out of the room being carried across the building as I follow. "She wants me, see! She's following me!" Then after that he was taken in a bus and they drove off quickly while I hear him yelling and screaming. The more the bus drove, the more he got louder, but I knew I wasn't going to see him again, well I hope so.

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