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                 Asia POV
    Beep Beep Beep!
   Will they ever know when to stop fucking calling me. After hearing what Offset told me I just needed some me time. Quavo and Nia have been calling me a lot. I just don't want to be around anyone.
   Beep! Beep! Beep!
   I picked up the phone.
  Me- Hello
  Qua- where have you been
  Me- I needed some alone time
  Qua- you okay?
  Me- yeah what's up
  Qua- you trynna come over today
  Me- ugh idk
  Qua- please for me
  Me- I guess I can come for a bit
  Qua- Ight I'll see you in a bit then
  Me- alright bye
   I hung up and went to go shower. Once I finished showering I put on some leggings a bape hoodie with my ugg moccasins. I grabbed my keys and was on my way to Qua's house. He texted me that the door was open. When I got to his house I walked right in. I heard female voices it sounded like Aliyah and Nia. I got closer and heard what they were talking about.
   "I don't want to talk to her" Aliyah said.
   "I know you don't but you have to tell her you're moving out" Nia said.
   "She treats me like a child I can't be around her" Aliyah said.
   "I know but you just gotta talk to her like a grown up" Nia said.
   I just walked out. I'm sick of being the one who's the bad guy. I went through hell so those two could have good lives. I made my way home and texted Quavo what happened and that he could come over later. I walked in my house and went to Aliyah's old room. I grabbed all the clothes and went to my backyard and put them all over the ground. I went inside and saw that Nia texted me saying she's coming over in 5 minutes. She texted me 8 minutes ago. I sat in the living room and waited for them. I heard the alarm go off telling me that someone entered. I looked back and saw the two of them walking towards me. When they got in the living room they sat down.
   "So um we have something to tell you" Nia said nervously.
   "Don't even start with that bullshit" I said bitterly. They looked shocked.
   "I know you want to move out. I know you've been staying with Takeoff and not fuckin Nia. I know you think that I'm an annoying ass older sister. You don't know half of the shit that I've protected you from and you want to disrespect me. Cause shit I could've been a selfish bitch and let those horrible ass human being we called our parents sell yo-" Nia cut me off .
   "Stop it she doesn't need to know that" she yelled.
   "So she can be a fucking whore and run the damn streets and not know who her parents really are" I laughed bitterly.
   Aliyah looked confused.
   "I'm sick of being the bad guy and the one who doesn't know shit so if you want to let her be grown get the FUCK out of my house" I said pointing to the door. 
   "I need my stuff" Aliyah whispered.
  "Oh sweetie you're grown now that shit that was in your room belongs to me I own that shit" I said
  "Go ask your new boo to buy you some shit or ask your ask your favorite sister" I said getting up to go to my room.
             Aliyah POV
   What is she talking about my real parents. We don't know them. We left her house now we are on our way to Quavo's house.
   We walked in and I saw Takeoff on the couch. I sat next to him and laid my head on his lap.
   "How'd it go" Take asked.
   "Not well she spazzed on us. And wouldn't even let me get my clothes" I said sighing.
   "I see where she's coming from" Offset said. I looked at him like he's crazy.
  "She took care of you for ya whole life and you want to leave for a nigga that you just met" he explained.
   I just shook my head. Yeah she cared for me but she ain't have to do that to me.
   "You still young so you ain't realized what she do for you to have a good life" he said.
  "Okay whatever she took care of me but she had the choice to take care of me or not" I said.
  "Man I can't sit here and listen to this lil ass girl talk bad about someone who's done some unspeakable shit fa you" Quavo said getting up.
   "I'm out" he said shutting the door.
   "You do realize that he's right. I know she treat you like a kid sometimes but you have been disrespecting her lately" Nia said agreeing with him.
   "She has to let me grow up" I said defending myself.
   Everyone just shook their heads and got up to leave.
   Am I really being disrespectful?

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