October 2013 Writing Challenge

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A leaf's journey

A leaf's journey can be short and sweet or a long one. There are many leafs but none are more beautiful than the grand Oak. The Oak is sacred to both witches and wizard as well as muggles. The Oak's leafs are beautiful in their own way. The Oak is a tree like none other. It's a grand beauty. We witches and wizards make our wands from it's wood, the muggles see it as a tree for which famous people have used it for many things. The Oak's leaves are usually a vibrant green. But there is more than one type of leafs. You can tell the difference of a leaf by looking at and identifying it's tree. So begins the tale of a leaf's journey its a great adventure.  It starts off as a bud, turns into a leaf, and then withers away as the days grow long. You can stroll gardens and parks and find all the different colors during your long stroll. It blossoms in the Spring, maybe turning yellow, as the season changes to Summer it turns to a brilliant shade of green, and at long last it turns red to brown as Autumns comes and turns it around. But never fear when a leaf is about to end it's journey it puts up a great fight before falling to the ground. Once it falls we can catch it in our hands and make piles of hills to roll and play in. A leaf may even end up in our homes oh yes did I forget to mention that when wet with rain we drag them inside sometimes. A leaf may even end up on our canvas. So as you can see a leaf's journey is long but never fear for they enjoy their time. The leafs journey is just one of many circles of life. Did I mention that muggles even name their sport teams after a leaf and they even appear on flags. But us with magic may use a leaf in a potion or two. There are many uses for a leaf, the possibilities are endless. Leafs not only come in a vast variety of color they come in shapes big and small and some where in between. So as you see there are just too many things to mention about a leaf. A leaf leads a very interesting life. We may even make a crown of leaves or wreath of sorts oh the endless uses for a such a small thing. Isn't it an extraordinary thing. You will also find that leafs are used in books as characters, even people are sometimes named after a leaf. Can you find more usage for a leaf? I bet you could but for now I end my tale of a leafs journey. But one last thing pick a leaf up examine it, look at it's beauty are you perplexed? I bet you are? Are you thinking of the great things you learned about a leaf. Look at the shapes, the color, the size.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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