Chapter 8

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I was silent, after all these years she only hated me because I had more attention then her. That was something we could have talked about, and she was just using Chris to make me jealous. Just to think what me and Chris could have been so long ago. It's makes me mad, but then I remember why she did it, and forgive her.

" I understand why you did what you did. But you could have told me that, and I'm nowhere near perfect and you shouldn't think that way. We were best friends, and we still could have been from that day on. Don't think that you're nothing when you really something. I forgive you , and hope we can get through this. " I spoke.

After a minute, she came out of the bathroom with her face looking terrible. But I could help her with that. This used to happen, when she always had a bad breakup, when we were friends.

" I'll help you. " I said, knowing that she was going to ask.

She smiled, and  I walked over to her. I reached in my bag and pulled out all of the things I needed. I gave her makeup remover stuff, also eye shadow , eyeliner. The basic stuff you use in makeup. After about 10 minutes she was done, and looking better than ever.

" Thanks for helping me. " She said.

" Your welcome. " I said.

" Are we....Still friends? "

" If you want to be. "

" Well.... I do. I'm still sorry for everything that I did to you. "

" And I'm sorry for all the times we got into big fights, and I ended up hurting you. "

" I deserved those, but that was the past. "

" Okay, let's go back out. "

" Leggo!! "

I just laughed, I missed these times. We walked out to see everyone looking at us. Our arms were hooked together, and we were laughing.

" What happened, in that bathroom? " Bahja asked.

" We made up, so were friends now. " I said.

Bahja looked at me like she was mad and with an attitude.

" Uh, girl get that look off of your face you looking like a fish. " I told her, and she got red, because she was mad and embarrassed. Everyone tried to hold in their laugh, but I wasn't laughing and neither was she. it was like a staring contest until she blinked.

" Come on , Nique. " I said.

" NOOO!!! " Bahja yelled, I turned around and looked at her like she was crazy.

" What the fuck is your damn problem? " I yelled at her.

" Zonnique was my best friend, and that's how it's supposed to be. She was meant to hate you and so was I. I've never liked you, and I hated you even more because you went with Shaun. "

" I knew Zonnique before you, and even if she was supposed to 'hate' me why is she standing next to me? I really don't care if you never liked me because your too damn clingy with Nique for anyone to like you. And for Shaun, you can have his dirty ass, because that makes you dirty too for even liking him. "

" Doesn't that mean your dirty too? You went with out with him? "

" I'm not the one that still wants to go out with him, when you knew he cheated. So, your dirtyyyy. You dirty hoe!! "

" I'm not a hoe!! Ugh!! "

" That's not what Princeton said. "

" Oh, my gosh I hate it when people bring that up!! "

She ran off somewhere, and I just smiled. This was nothing compared to all the people that said they hated me. You can go ahead and hate me, it's not going to change anything. Just going to make you a hater.

" So, what are we going to do now? " I said, they all looked at me like I was Bahja.

" Bowl!! Dumbass!! " Marshaun said.

" Nigga!! I don't care if your my brother or not. I'll punch in yo face and then you can go tell Mom. " I yelled at him, which got him to shutup.

I grabbed a bowling ball and started the game. This was going to be fun.


We were all cracking up at Diggy dancing to Otis by Jay-Z and Kanye West. I was on the floor with Marshaun. ( He actually was if you haven't seen the video on YouTube. Just look up Diggy dancing to Otis, but there's two videos so I'll post the links in the comments ) Marshaun has this weird ass laugh, so everybody thought it was me, cause it sounded like a girl.

" That ain't me!! It's Mar Mar. " I said. ( that's his nickname. )

He was still laughing, so they knew it was him. When he realized he was the only one laughing still, he stopped. Then we all started cracking up.

" Man, I ain't know you laughed like that!! No wonder you always run off with some things funny. " Khalil said, he appeared out of nowhere.

" Stop teasing my bro!! That's why he be pulling more girls than Diggy at his concerts!! " I said.

" Whatever, we should go out tonight!! " Zonnique said.

I agreed, " It would be fun. "

" So let's do it!! I'll text you when I'm gonna pick you up? "

" Cool, Bre you coming? "

She nodded, we forgot Bahja was even there.

" Y'all forgetting about some people. " She said.

" Oh , boys y'all coming? " I asked, they nodded.

" Bitch. " I heard her mumble.

I turned around with dark eyes, and went to attack her.


One In A Million ( Chris Brown Love Story )(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now