Chapter Four: I'm Not A Virgin!

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"ISABELLE ROSE GRAYSON! YOU RAN OVER OUR NEIGHBOURS' GRANDDAUGHTER?!" Enma yelled at her daughter. "I swear I didn't mean to!" Isabelle said, nervously looking at Marie's grandparents. They looked PISSED. "Mrs. Aires, I must say that it was actually my fault", Marie shrugged. "How?" Marie's grandmother, Anne, asked. "If I wasn't stupid, I would have looked both ways. Plus, she was turning a corner. She couldn't have seen me until last minute", Marie stated. Marie's grandfather, Daniel, huffed. "Okay. Isabelle, I don't want any arguments so just apologize to Marie", Emma said. "I am so sorry, Marie. And Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, I swear I will buy Reece a new bike. I'm getting a job this weekend to pay for it", Isabelle said. "It's okay. That bike was no good", Reece said. "So, you said you were from...Virgina, was it?" Anne asked. "I'm not a virgin!" Xavier exclaimed. Emma paled at her son's words. Marie laughed loudly. " Holy sh-"

"MARIE!" Anne yelled. "Yo, Is? Come swimming with me. I'll show you around", Marie said, sending a wink to the blushing girl. "Uh, can I, Mom?" Isabelle asked. Emma smiled and nodded. "Well, bye, guys", Marie said, grabbing Isabelle's hand. Isabelle blushed as Marie tugged her outside. "Let's blow this popsicle stand", Marie said. Isabelle raised an eyebrow. "Just get in, Isabelle", Marie said, opening the passenger's side door of her Mustang. Isabelle got in. Marie hopped in and they drove down the street to the beach. As they pulled up to what looked like a bombfire, Marie's smile turned into a smirk. "Wow. She's drunk as hell", Marie said, staring at a pretty blonde girl. "Who's that?" Isabelle asked. "My girlfriend. Emma." .........

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