Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

It was unusual for Roma to find herself alone.

After Alex had walked out she assumed to meet his mate, Sebastian had disappeared on her, where he went she did not know but she was left alone in the house. Strange! It's been long since she had be left to her musings. Felt relaxing. She switched out the TV as the silence in the house was disconcerting and she relaxed on the sofa and rested her head on the edge and before she knew she dozed off.

She was floating in a haze and she thought someone was calling her from far off, the voice was coming from far off.

"Roma" someone was calling out.

The voice came closer.


"Roma" more closer.

And then suddenly she woke up with a start. And then she saw a face staring at her and she was startled.

She jerked back in shock and the guy jumped back in equal shock.

"Jesus!" she yelped as her brain finally woke up.

The guy backed off in a fucking hurry, he looked scared shitless. But she recalled his face, he was one of the Roma guards posted at her door.

"What?" she asked groggily, distracted she looked at the clock on the wall. She had dozed off for roughly twenty minutes, it seemed forever.

"We have a slight situation ma'am" the wolf said politely and a little unsure about himself.

"What is it?" she asked massaging her stiff neck.

"There is a David at the pack borders and is demanding he meet with you. He also has men with him" The guard answered.

"David? Who the hell is David?" She asked her mind drawing up blank.

"An enforcer ma'am" the guard responded.

And it clicked in her mind. David was the head of the enforcers from the world council, didn't Sebastian ditch him back in Canada? Yes he did! So this was one pissed off enforcer.

"What does he want?" She asked.

"Not sure ma'am, he demands to see you...he doesn't seem too happy" the guard added.

She was sure.

"Where is Sebastian?" She asked. Where was that rat bastard anyways, this was his mess to clean up!

"Not sure ma'am the guards could not locate him and the enforcer is getting antsy, we thought it is better to let you know" He added.

She contemplated for a moment.

"Ok, tell he enforcer he can meet me and he can get one of his guys along with him and the rest stay out of my borders. One foot in and you can take them out, am I clear?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am" he responded crisply, he was a soldier and he was good at following instructions.

"While you are at it...can you find Sebastian, Alpha Nick and Alex? Wait on second thought, let Alex be, but find Sebastian and double the guards around the house." She said. She didn't want to disturb Alex he might be working it out with his mate and the guards were to make sure the enforcer behaved. She wanted Nick to be involved as these were his pack lands.

The guard gave her a crisp salute and disappeared leaving her again in her house. She looked around and looked down at herself. She was wearing a pajamas with little hearts on it and a t-shirt with a cute cat face on it. She contemplated changing for a moment and simply shrugged.

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