Chapter 8

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Namjoons POV:

I watched Y/N talking to Taehyung. My chest felt heavy watching them then I see her walking over. Cheeks pink.

I focused on her not seeing the others leave. "Hey.... Um wanna sit?" She asked. I shook my head. "Yeah sure." I walked over to a couch patting the seat beside me.

We talked for a bit till I got a text.

Tae: give it your best hyung! Ask her to have dinner with you. Don't screw up. Fighting!

"Aish that kid." I mumbled.

Well why not try.

"Hey uhh Y/N..I was uhh I was wondering if I'm y- you would like to m-maybe have dinner with me S-Saturday night?" I asked stuttering.

She looked taken aback at first but smiled. "Sure is like that."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Wear what ever you want. Yo don't need to be fancy with me. I'll pick you up around 7." I clarified. She nodded

Soon after the others came in. "Hey noona wanna play with taetae, Jimin and I?" Jungkook asked her. I glared at him and he shook his head as if to say

'I'm not going to do that' so I nodded. She looked at me asking approval. I smiled shooing her off. "Go have fun get to know them."

When they left Yoongi sat at the machine mk2 and tried to do what she did while j hope was on his phone.

"You really like her don't you?" Jin asked sitting next to me. I looked down in embarrassment nodding my head. "Well if you need any help let me know ok. And also. I know about the dinner so I'll be here to help." He patted my back and left.


I followed them out of the room to another. It was set up with a game console and two controllers.

"Revolution turned? Really?" I asked.
(For those who don't understand it's a revolution DLC in black ops 2 zombies)

Jimin nodded. I laughed. "What's so funny?" He asked.

"That I'm gonna beat you!" I said running to the controller. He came running after picking up the other.

"I don't thinks so!" He said back laughing. In the background jungkook and Taehyung were debating who would play the winner. Jungkook won.

Jimins POV:

I have to admit Y/Ns really good. 1 minute left and Y/N has more points than me.

"Yah hyung she beating you!" Taehyung exclaimed. "You shut up!" I yelled back.

"You win. You suck" the tv said. On Y/Ns screen it said you win and on mine you suck was shown.

"You were saying?" She smirked.

Rolling my eyes it admitted my defeat. Now it was Jungkooks turn to play. They were tied when I saw Namjoon by the door.

"Hey joonie."

"Hey." He said.

"This girl can play man. I'm tellin you she beat me on a game I'm the best at."

He laughed. "Yeah...she's special I guess." I nodded in agreement. Soon after the game between Taehyung and her it was time for her to leave.

"Bye Y/N. See you next time." I waved

"See you later. I had fun playing with you." Jungkook said smiling.

"I had fun to." She replied.

"Goodbye Y/N! See you soon." Taehyung hugged her. She hugged back.

Yoongi said bye after complementing her work, then was Jin and j-hope. She bid goodbye leaving with Namjoon.

"I hope he can find happiness with her and that she won't hurt him." Jin said.

"Ne" everyone agreed.

Namjoons POV:

"So did you have fun?" I asked while walking her home.

She stopped and looked at me. "Yes I loved it! Thank you so much for that. I owe you." She smiled and hugged me.

At first i was stunned then hugged her back. "No problem. I'm glad you liked it."

We pulled away her face red. "You're cute." I whispered to myself.

We continued home in silence our hands brushing a few times. When we made it home she turned to me again.

"Thanks again for the surprise. I really liked it."

Smiling I answered. "Good I'll take you again some time. Goodnight Y/N"

"Goodnight." She smiled and walked into her room.

What are you doing to me my little songbird.

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