Chapter 6

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2 years later

Akko's POV

It has been at least 2 years since Andrew and I have started dating. And now it's time for....... GRADUATION!!!!!!!! And because Andrew and I have been dating ever since the incident in the hotel (don't.... It's nothing inappropriate!!) So We have been together ever since.

Time skip~~

"Thank you for staying at Luna Nova Academy," the Headmaster said. And then the School year was over.

As I walked out of the building I felt a hug behind me.

"Congrats Akko," He said. "Thanks Andrew!" I said and turned around and kissed him.

Just then Susy and Lotte came and hugged me. "Hey Akko sorry I won't be seeing you for a while. I-I'll be moving in with Frank," Lotte Said. (Yes I ship Lotte x Frank) "And I'll be opening a potion shop here in town. Hehehee," Susy said. 'Oh Boy' I thought. "Don't worry guys I'll be ok! I have Andrew," I smiled, blushing a bit. They nodded and hugged me and we all went our separate ways.

As Andrew and I walked down the street we stopped at a café. We sat down at the table and I could tell the waitress was disappointed that I was there. I sighed. "So Andrew what do you want to order," I asked him. "Hmm I don't know... I'll get whatever you want Akko," he said with a smile. After Akko ordered, the waitress came back with our tea. But I couldn't help but see a paper on Andrew's plate. " hey Andrew. What's that?" I said pointing at the little piece of paper. He look at me and then the paper. "It's a number," he said. I then got a little mad. I looked around and saw the waitress looking at us behind a wall. "Just ignore it. It happens all the time," he said.

"Doesn't it annoy you?" I said. He just nodded and crumbled the paper. Stood up and threw it away. I started snickering. And chuckling. "What's wrong Akko," he asked. I laughed and pointed to the woman behind the wall. Her face was pissed. She then came over and slapped him.

"How dare you," she said. I just stared at her. "How dare you DO THAT YOU IDIOT," she said. She was about to slap him again but I stopped her using Time Freeze (I just used some random spell words lol).

"W-what did you do," she said. "I simply just froze time hehe," I said with a smile.

(So here is what happened a little before Akko's Graduation,,....
So Akko passed all of her classes and became a powerful witch.... Just so you guys should know...)

I then payed for a meal and took our meal to go and returned time back.

Andrew's POV

'Once again.. Totally amazing' I thought. 'I wonder if I should ask her?'.

"Ok I'll tell her when I'm ready to tell her," I whispered. I looked over at Akko and she looked worried.

"Andrew are you ok?" She asked. I just nodded.

As we were walking around. My arms started to get tired. "Hey Akko can we rest?" I asked her. "Sure Andrew," she said. It was sunset and we were sitting on a bench in the park. 'Now it's time to ask her' I thought.

"Hey Akko can I ask you something?" I asked. She nodded. I turned toward her and asked her the sorta-important question...

"Akko would you like to move in with me!?" I said. She just sat there for what like 3 min. 'The suspense is killing me...' I thought. I was about to say something when she spoke. "Yes I will Andrew. I would love to move in with you," she said. This made me really happy. I stood up and hugged her. And since I moved out of my parents house it will be perfect....

Time Skip~~

Akko's POV

I started to jump up and down. Oh I'm so excited!!! I thought. Today was the day I am moving in with Andrew! I gathered the rest of my boxes and put them in his car. "Are you ready Akko?" He asked with a smile on his face. I nodded and got into his car. It took about 15 min to get there. I got out of his car and looked at his house. It was a two story house.

'I can't believe he lived here by himself for a couple months' I thought. I didn't care because I starting to live with him. But what I didn't know about was that the neighbour are good friends of mine.

Time skip~~

We just got done getting all the boxes inside when Andrew suggested something. " hey Akko we should go introduce you to the neighbors!" He said. He seemed quite cheerful so I decided to go. We walked over and knocked on the neighbors door. To my surprise I would never have guessed them....

"AKKO!!" Said Lotte. She gave me a big hug. And behind her came Frank. "Hey Frank.." I said. He waved. "Hey Akko haven't seen you in a while," he said. "Same here!" I said.

Time skip~~

After we got done in packing everything we layed down on OUR bed. 😏. "I love you Akko," Andrew said...

"I love you too Andrew," I said.


So the after about a month Andrew asked me to marry him and we had 1 child named, Sunny. Life was great and I loved it..


Hey Guys thanks for staying and reading through this book!! This is the most words that I have done.... 969 Words.. But THANKS YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME AND LIKE I HAVE SAID... This is the last chapter. Give me some ship suggestions and I'll write books on them JUST FOR YOU GUYS!! Thanks Again... CYA!!

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