Not your average elsa anymore

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"What part of I never loved you. Do you not understand?" Those words repeatedly kept playing in my head as I laid on my back on my bed. Out of all the people in the world Samuel was the last person I ever thought would betray me. But once again I was wrong. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

King for a day by pierce the veil ft. Kellin Quinn started blasting through my room. Great. Today is the day I'm finally leaving this hell hole called home. Yeah people would usually say school, nope not me I hate my house and I'm glad Im finally moving to The London England. I looked around at my empty room, not much was left just my luggage and the furniture that I was obviously not taking with me. I looked at my phone laying on my dresses and realized I had two hours to get to the air port.

My mom and stepdad haven't made a single attempt to talk to me or say bye. So I just walked out of the house with my three suitcases. Turning the engine of my car on I pulled out of the driveway and off to the airport I went.


"flight 135 New York to London England now boarding" announced the lady on the intercom I quickly stood up and took one last look at my surroundings before walking to the entrance to board the plan.

The ride wasn't great but it also wasn't the best. I got stuck sitting beside some annoying 8 year old who constantly kept asking me questions. He eventually fell asleep and I was finally left in peace.

Memories of the night before can flooding back as I looked out the airplane window.

~flash back~

"Samuel I'm leaving to London tomorrow."

I stated hoping he would somehow convince me not to go and stay here with him. "Ok have a good trip." he started blankly. What was up with him today? he was being a little off. "I mean I'm leaving and probably never coming back." I said with hope that he might ask me to stay. But once again his response was unexpected "ok well I guess it's over between us." what? did I hear him right? I looked at him dumbfounded. "Look I know we dated for a year and all but I never really loved you." "What?" "What part of I never loved you do you not understand?" "So this was all just a game to you?" "umm if you want to call it that then yes. Elsa I only dated you to be a part of the popular group but since now your leaving and I'm already there and at my highest I don't need you."

I was speechless I didn't know what to say. If you could hear a heart shatter that would be the only thing you would be able to hear in the silence of my room.

"Why don't you just leave."

I managed to say. A smirk spread across his face. That douche bag! "this year wasn't as bad as I thought it would be actually." and with that he walked out of my room leaving me heartbroken, mad, lost, and confused. I suddenly remembered something and quickly darted out of my room. Running down the steps and yelled for Samuel. He turned around quickly and stopped mid way out of the house. I quickly put on a fake smile and leaned close to him

"Your the leader of the ass hole clan." and with that I punched him straight in the nose. he stumbled back and walked out mumbling all sort of curse words at me.

~end of flashback~

I got off the airplane, grabbed my stuff and hauled a cab. After telling the taxi man the name of the apartment building, he drove off. I sat back in the car and went through my various news feed. most of them were of friends going off on me for leaving and not telling anyone. At this point I came to the conclusion that I left New York for two reasons. one: start a new life and forget all the terrible things that happened back home and two: I have an annoying mother that just had to send me to a hole different country. For my last year of high school. she had enrolled me into the one and only Westbrook high school. One of the high class school, where only smart straight A students went, or parents that thought sending their fucked up kids to a school like that would some how get them on the right track.

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