Ch. 13

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Life was blissful for the happy couple. Everything was going just perfect! Jay won game after game, and Carlos was at every single one holding a giant sign that said "I LOVE YOU #8!". Evie and Mal giggling like school girls listening to him cheer. Carlos was working on his tech gadgets, as always, making them work better and faster everyday. Months seemed like days to them. 

"You guys are just too adorable!" Evie squealed as they walked into the cafe holding hands.

"You know you say that overtime you see us?" Carlos said, rolling his eyes. Jay pulled out the chair for him and he sat down. Jay sitting next to him and putting his arm around his neck. 

"I know! You guys are just so cute!" Evie said, making Carlos blush, Jay and Ben chuckle, and Mal roll her eyes. 

"Ok E, leave them alone ok?" Mal said, nudging her in the arm. "So how do you think you did on the Goodness exam?" Mal said, lifting her fork. 

"I think I did pretty good," Jay said, "Pretty simple. What about you Evie?" He asked.

"It was super easy! Remember I was done long before any of you!" Evie said, smiling so big they thought her face was gonna rip. Carlos laughed as he sipped on his coffee. He turned to look at Jay and got lost in his smile. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. 

"So did you guys hear that there is a storm coming from the south?" Ben injected, trying to break the silence. 

"Yea I heard, it supposed to be pretty bad," Carlos said, "I have this weather app on my computer that I have enhanced, and it said its supposed to be like some kind of hurricane. It came out of nowhere!" Carlos started fidgeting. He really hated storms. He felt Jay pull him over closer to him. 

"Its ok babe, I'll protect you," Jay said, kissing his forehead. Evie squealed a little. 

"Well I did look at its line of fire," Carlos said, trying not to sound nervous, "It looks like its coming right towards the city."  Mal perked up at this and started to look a little nervous herself. 

"Thats not good," Mal said, looking at Ben. "Its going to hit the Isle!" When she said this, all the VKs faces dropped. 

"What happens if hits the island? What if it throws some of them outside the barrier?" Evie said, sounding and looking freaked out. Now even Jay was looking nervous. No matter what all of them wanted in their lives, none of them wanted anyone on the Isle to get out! Especially their parents. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure that can't happen. I have a meeting with Merlin and Fairy Godmother later today to discuss what we are going to do about this. So don't worry guys, I got this!" Ben said, breathing on his knuckles and rubbing them on his jacket. Mal rolled her eyes. 

"Lets trust in Ben guys. I mean he hasn't let us down before right?" Mal said, looking around the table, trying to look as calm as possible. Everyone still looked a little nervous, but Mal had a point. Ben was the King after all, and if anyone could figure this out he could. They all got up and headed to class, trying to not think about everything that was going on. Carlos was having the hardest time trying to keep his cool. His mom was the most terrifying person in the world to him. The last thing he wanted was his mom to show up at Auradon, and ruin his life. His mom didn't even know he was gay. What is going to happen?

"Mr. de Vil!" The teacher said, snapping him back to reality, "Are we boring you?" Everyone turned to look at him, he was turning red. 

"N-no, sorry," Carlos said, nervously. The class turned back to the front, and Carlos slumped down into his seat. The bell finally rang. Finally, last class! I can go to my room and relax! Carlos walked down the hall, and went to his room. He went over to his desk and opened his computer. He had an email. He opened it and turned white. 

I am coming for you! You little brat! 

This isn't happening. This isn't happening!! Carlos was freaking out. He slammed his computer and started pacing around the room. His mom was coming for him. She knew how to get off the Isle. His worst nightmare was coming true. He didn't know what to do. Jay was at practice, and he didn't want to leave this room. He looked outside and saw the clouds rolling in. Practice should be canceled. Where the hell is Jay?! I need him! He crawled into bed and buried himself in the covers. He felt safe for some reason. He curled up in a ball and started to cry. He couldn't believe it. His life was so perfect this morning, and now its all over. He was balling his eyes out, next thing he knew he was asleep.

"Im coming for you Carlos!" Cruella's voice said. Carlos was standing in pure darkness, and he could see a thing. "I'm coming for you darling!" He heard again. He started to run. He didn't know where he was running to, he just knew he needed to get away. "You can't run from me Carlos darling! I'm coming for you!" Cruella yelled, and then she laughed. Her horrible awful laugh. The kind of laugh that filled nightmares. Carlos tripped and looked up. He saw a flash of lightning, and hear a lough crack of thunder. The thunder sounded like Cruella's laugh. He saw another flash of lightning, and then he saw a person standing off in the distance. He was now shaking in terror. Another flash, and the person was closer. Another flash. Closer. A loud crack of thunder, and then another flash. And there she was, standing right in front of him. "I got you now!" Carlos screamed!

"Carlos! Carlos hey!" He heard. He opened his eyes and there was Jay standing over him and shaking him. He jumped up and wrapped his arms around Jay for dear life. "That must've been one hell of a nightmare," Jay said, wrapping his arms around him, trying to soothe him. 

"I'm so scared Jay, scared about this storm, scared about my mother," Carlos said, trying not to cry anymore. Jay pulled Carlos over to his bed, and laid him down. 

"Its going to be ok babe," Jay said, rubbing Carlos back. "I was going to get the girls and I figured we could all wait out the storm here. You know, keep the VKs together. But I'm not going to leave unless you are ok," Jay said. 

"Go, I'll be ok for a little bit. As long as you come right back!" Carlos said, still looking terrified.

"I promise," Jay said. He pressed his lips on Carlos's. "I'll be right back," Jay got up and walked out the door. Carlos somehow felt safer in Jay's bed. His scent made him feel safe. He heard a loud ding overhead. 

"Due to the incoming storm, all classes and activities are canceled. Please stay in your dorms and stay safe!" 

Fairy Godmother's voice said over the loud speaker. Wow this storm must be bad.  He buried himself under the covers, breathing in Jay's musky scent, trying to relax. Another huge crack of thunder and bright lightning. Suddenly the room went black. Carlos was now full on freaking out. The power must be out. This can't be happening. Carlos got out of bed, and found his way to his desk. He knew he had a candle somewhere. He fumbled around his desk. Come on, I know I have to have a candle or flash light or something. He kept feeling around, and he heard the door open and close. 

"Jay is that you?" Carlos said, nervously. No response. He was now panicking. He searched and searched. Finally he found a flashlight! He went to turn it on, and it didn't. He smacked it against his hand a couple times. "Come on Jay this isn't funny!" Still no light. "Jay!" One final smack and it finally clicked on. He looked around the room and didn't see anyone. He thought he was going crazy. He turned around and looked around. "Jay?" He turned one more time. Someone stepped into the light. 

"I'm not Jay. But I did tell you I was coming for you!" 

Carlos screamed. And everything went black. 

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