Ch. 23

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Carlos woke up that Friday morning in Jay's arms. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. He knew this was going to be the best day ever. Jay was still snoring and sleeping soundly. Carlos wiggled his way out of his mate's arms and quickly got dressed. He rushed down the cafeteria and grabbed all the food he could get his hands on. He wanted to get back before Jay woke up. He gathered all the food and walked down the hall, using his foot to open to the door, he quietly snuck back into the room. Jay was still laying there snoring, and Carlos got to work. He laid out all the food on a try and it looked so good. He saw Jay starting to wake up. He quickly got undressed again, and held the tray in front of his groin and smiled. Jay turned over and blinked a couple times. God he looks so sexy with his sleepy eyes. Jay smiled and chuckled. 

"Well good morning babe," He said, sitting up and running his hands through his long messy locks. "So I see you brought me something?" He smiled.

"Yes I did," Carlos said walking towards the bed. "I also brought you breakfast." He put the tray down on the nightstand and sat down next to Jay. He picked up a strawberry and held it with his teeth. Jay leaned forward and took the strawberry right out of Carlos's mouth and kissed him.

"Very sexy babe," Jay said. They both continued to eat and kiss. It was a super romantic morning. Laying there in each other arms they both just wanted to live in that moment. Jay glanced over at the clock and his eyes widened. "SHIT! I'm late!" He jumped up and threw on his gym shorts and yellow shirt. "Babe, breakfast was amazing. I love you so much but I have to go! I'm 20 minutes late for practice!" Jay said, pulling his hair back and grabbing his bag. He ran over to the bed and kissed Carlos. "I'll see you at the game. I love you so much! And I have a surprise for you at the dance! Bye!" He ran out the door.

"Wait, a what?" Carlos said, sitting there dumbstruck. He was alone in the room and was so confused by what Jay just said. He picked up his phone and texted Evie and Mal to see if they were awake.
Evie: Carlos, its the day of a dance. I haven't slept! These dresses aren't going to make themselves!! Come to our room if you want! We can talk! Xoxo E.

Carlos got up and got dressed extremely fast and ran down the hall towards the girls room. He banged on the door as hard as he could, he thought his hand was going to break! Mal opened the door and glared at him. 

"Carlos. Do you know what time it is?!" She shouted. 

"Mal. Its 10 am," He said, walking past her into the room and he saw Evie working hard on her machine. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun and she was wearing her royal blue and white pj's. She glanced up for a second and smiled.

"Hey Los, sorry I'm so busy. But I'm listening! Talk!" She said, still working on a dress. Carlos sat down on her bed and Mal flopped back down on her bed. 

"So I served Jay breakfast in bed this morning," Carlos said, pausing for the girls to 'awwwwww!' "But when he rushed out for practice he said he said he had a surprise for me tonight at the dance. What does that mean?!" Carlos was freaking out. "I mean the last surprise was him asking me out, what could he possibly do this time?!" He didn't know what to think, his mind was going a million miles a minute.

"Dude. Chill," Mal said, lifting her head off her pillow and pushing her messy purple hair out of her face.

"Yea, you need to relax," Evie said, not even looking up from her machine. "I'm sure its something extremely romantic. Now here. This should help get your mind on something better," She said standing up and grabbing something off the garment rack and handing it to Carlos. "Go try this on and tell me what you think. I know you are going to love it but you seriously need to chill!" She said sitting back down to her machine. Carlos walked into the bathroom and unzipped the garment bag. As usual it was something amazing. He put it on and turned to look at himself in the mirror. He smiled and walked back out of the bathroom. Mal sat up and Evie looked up from the garment rack. Carlos was wearing a white dress shirt with a red long tie, and a black tux jacket. His slacks had red pin stripes down the side and the jacket had his black and white cross bones on the back. He couldn't believe how good he looked.

"Wow, I did good. Once again!" Evie squealed and clapped. 

"Jay is going to die when he sees you!" Mal said. Then she thought about it for a second. "I'm sorry, that was a poor choice of words." Carlos brushed it off. He didn't really care, because Mal was right. Jay wouldn't be able to keep his hands off him! 

"Ok great! You look amazing! Now take it off and go get ready! We have a Championship game to get to!" Evie said. Carlos undressed and headed back to his room. He opened to door and gasped. There was a giant bouquet of red and white roses on Carlos's desk. He walked over and picked up the card. He took a deep breath of the sweet aroma from the flowers. Smells just like Jay. He opened the card and smiled.

Dear Carlos,

I just wanted to make you smile, cuz that always make me smile! Can't wait to see you at the game. And at the dance! I love you Carlos.~Jay

Jay really did know how to make Carlos smile. He smelled the roses one more time before going to shower and get ready for the game. He got in the shower and let the hot water just roll over him. He got out and dried off. Walking over to his closet he pulled out his usual black t-shirt, white/black shorts and his signature leather jacket. He finger combed his hair and headed out the door. He met the girls at the field and they all had their signs. 

"Come on guys let get some good seats!" Mal said. She was very excited to see Ben on the field. She always loved watching Ben play. It technically was the first place that Ben said he loved her. (It was so cute it was Ridiculous!) The team took the field and the three of them stood up, signs high in the air and shouting at the top of their lungs! Both Ben and Jay pointed to the stands. Mal and Carlos both smiled and sat back down. The game was intense right off the bat! Balls flying all over the place, players knocking into each other and the crowd going nuts! 

It was the final play, score was tied, and everyone was on the edge of their sit. Especially Carlos. Jay had the ball and was running and flipping down the field. He was about to score when out of nowhere this huge player from the other team slams into him knocking him back 3-4 feet. Ben grabbed the ball and scored the winning goal. The crowed up jumped up and cheered. But Carlos shot up out of his seat and stared at Jay's body laying there. He wasn't moving. Carlos ran down to the field where the team was surrounding Jay. As Carlos got closer he heard Jay moaning and groaning. He pushed past everyone and got down next to Jay. He took his helmet off and Jay had a very painful expression on his face. 

"Jay are you ok?" Carlos asked worried. 

"I think he broke my fucking arm," Jay said, holding onto his arm really tight. 

No no no no! This isn't happening! "What!?" Carlos said. Fairy Godmother and a couple medics walked over. Fairy Godmother waved her wand and Jay screamed. She whispered something in his ear and went over to Carlos. 

"Honey, he was hurt pretty bad," She said. "Now my magic will fix him. But..." She trailed off. 

"But what?" Evie and Mal asked, walking up behind Carlos. 

"I don't know if he will be healed up in time for the dance." She said with a sad expression on her face. 

Carlos's heart sank. Why me? Why Jay? Are we just not meant to be happy?

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