Story Time

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Once upon a time, in the sacred land of the rock gods and metal heads, lived a tall blonde man by the sea. He loved everything on the land and the animals that roamed there, one day another tall man wearing a black cloak with the hood pulled over came galloping on his horse over to where the blonde was sitting on a boulder looking out at the ocean. The cloaked man came to a stop and hopped of his horse and walked up to the blonde with a scroll in his hand. He looked down at the man, held the scroll out to him, and said; "Kurt, King Jones needs you at once right away!"
Kurt looked up at him and nodded calling his horse over and hopping upon it and followed to man over to the castle in an aera of the town known as Elkriana. 

When they arrive, both men hop off their horses and quickly head inside.

They both make their way to the throne room and spot the king, and the prince. Kurt and the cloaked man next to him neil before King Jones before standing back up again.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

King Paul Jones looked down at Cobain with soft but alert eyes and said; "Yes, I have called you here because I need to send you out on an important mission, this mission will include time-travel."
"I know this sounds absurd but please listen to me, the Warlock of The High Tide Horizon clan has stolen the Sacred Gem Of Elkrania, which has caused some of the elk guardians to turn into monsters and cause havoc and chaos around town, therefore I'm sending you on this mission I will send a guard with you to kee you protected on your journey."

Kurt's eyes went wide in shock, he couldn't progress what the king had just told him, that's when Jones snapped him out of his thoughts

"So Kurt, will you do it? Will you help save my kingdom and get the guardians back to the way they were so that the townspeople will be safe again?"

Kurt looked at the cloaked man next to him, then at the prince, then at King Jones and nodded his head firmly
"I'll do it!"

(To be continued)

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