Entering the portal

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The king gave Kurt his thanks and sent him and the cloaked man to the dungeon room, for that was the only place the portal would open for anyone. So, they walked down the flight of stairs to the dungeon room, when they get there Kurt spots a table and a small round black stone sitting in the middle of it. The cloaked man looked at him and said; "This is a very rare Onyx gem stone, it will help you through time and back here. Whatever you do Kurt, do NOT, and I repeat DO NOT lose this stone." "Cause if you do, you will be stuck in whatever universe your in for good and there will be no way for you to get out." Kurt nodded firmly as the man threw the stone onto the wooden floor as a bright purplish-blue light started to glow around it. The glow got bigger, and bigger, and bigger. You could see small swirls of colors going around the portal "Here, take the stone.. go through the portal.. get that sacred gem back, and save this kingdom." "Don't let us down Kurt, we're all putting our trust into you."
Kurt nodded and jumped into the portal with one of the kings guards following him.

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