Welcome Stranger!

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Kurt and one of the kings guards were in the portal, it wasn't long before they dropped into their first universe.

The portal opened a hole and out they came tumbling down a small hill knocking into each other just then, a horseman came riding up to them. He hopped off his steed and walked over to them.

"Hello strangers, looks like you two took quite a tumblin' there, ye need help?"

Kurt and the guard looked up at the man standing there, he wore old western clothing and a hat upon his head.

"C'mon partners, I'll take ya to the local saloon and we can get this settled."

Kurt stood up and brushed himself off as the guard also got to his feet and they looked at the western man in confusion.

"Listen sir, we're not here to cause any trouble or harm, we're just searching for a gem a really really rare gem do you perhaps know where it is?" Kurt pulls out a picture of it and gives it to the man.

The man takes a long hard look at it and hands it back to him as he replies;

"I'm not sure where that there gem is but, not too long ago there were a couple of weird lookin' folks travelin' through here causin' all kinds of ruckus the town sherrif managed to catch one of em' and throw 'im in the town jail I can take ya to him of ya like."

Kurt and the guard nodded and followed the man to his horse.

"Don't worry now, I have someone bringin' up a couple a horses for the two of ya... y'all do know how to ride a horse don't cha?"

They both nod as a stable boy came up to them with two horses and walked away.

The western man looked at the horses then at them and said; "Alright you two, saddle up let's go."

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