Chapter 5: Explaining

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Poppy, Branch and The Snack Pack left Branch's bunker after they ate their ice cream and were on their way to see Poppy's father for planning the party and to tell him what happened. When they got there they saw the king. "Dad!" Poppy said getting her father's attention, he turned his head to the voice and saw Poppy, The Snack Pack and...Branch? He was surprised to see Branch because he never left his bunker except to gather stuff for his bunker and he never hung out with his daughter or her friends, still he was a great troll and cared about the others even though he would never admit it but the main thing that surprised him more was seeing his daughter grey. "Poppy, oh my goodness what happened?" King Peppy said running to his daughter and giving her a hug. "I became grey because I was sad when I visited Mom's grave yesterday." Poppy said returning his hug and silently crying. "Oh my Princess I know, I miss her too." King Peppy said silently crying as well. It broke Branch's and The Snack Pack's hearts to see the king and Princess like this. "Excuse me sir." Branch said getting their attention. "Yes Branch? What is it son?" King Peppy said looking at the grey male troll, Branch blushed when he called him son. "Why did he call me that? Me and Poppy aren't married." He said in his mind but decided to ignore it. "I saw her singing the Queen's favorite song after I heard her when I was gathering stuff for my bunker and I saw her turn grey so walked towards her and asked her what was wrong and she told me why in a sarcastic way and I couldn't bare to see her like that." He said taking Poppy's hand and wrapping them around his waist and wrapped his left hand around her back and cupped her chin with his right hand looking into her eyes. Everyone's jaw dropped when they saw this except for Poppy who had a shocked face and was blushing madly. "So I told her how I turned grey and I was sad but she gave me a hug and I couldn't resist so I hugged her back and let me tell you that her hugs are amazing. After the hug we looked into each other's eyes and I told her she's beautiful even if she's grey, after that I took her to my bunker too clean her up because she had dirt on herself she fell asleep after so I took her to my bed and tucked her in, I climbed into the bed myself and she wrapped her arms around me and put her head on my chest so I did the same thing and I kissed her forehead and fell asleep." Branch said blushing and looked at everyone's shocked faces, Poppy was practically red right now. "Omg That's so cute! BROPPY!!!" The Snack Pack said in unison. "So this morning I woke up and Branch woke up we were looking at each other and were leaning towards each other but stopped when we felt our noses against each other's and we rubbed noses until The Snack Pack interrupted our moment, thanks guys by the way so we answered the door and saw The Snack Pack and...CREEK! They told me that you wanted to see me about planning the party on Friday so I kissed Branch's cheek and said goodbye to him and left." Poppy explained. The Snack Pack couldn't believe what they heard. She and Branch rubbed noses and she didn't tell them? "Wait you two rubbed noses and you didn't tell us? Poppy how could you?" Guy Diamond said dramatically with a fake frown, everyone looked at him with a "seriously?" Look, he cleared his throat. "Sorry. Proceed." He said embarrassed. "Anyway you're majesty, we were on our way to see you but of course Creek had to go and be a jerk. He asked us if we see that Poppy is hideously grey or if we're all just stupid, we couldn't believe what he said. We told him that we do see that she's grey but we don't care because we love her no matter what she looks like or if she's pink or grey because the thing that makes her beautiful inside and out is her big heart and how she loves everyone no matter what they look like, but he didn't care and told us he only pretended to like her because of her royal status and her body and she ran away crying and we ran after her to look for her." DJ Suki said. "What?! Oh I'm going to give Creek a piece of my mind!" King Peppy said because he was pissed because of what that purple bastard said about his daughter. "Anyway sir, I saw her crying and I went towards her and asked her what was wrong she told me everything and I told her that The Snack Pack was right about her being beautiful inside and out because of her big heart and she asked me if I really thinks she's beautiful so I told her she's the most beautiful troll in the troll tree and that she's the most beautiful troll I've ever seen so I took her back to my bunker again and made us some Neapolitan ice cream sundaes and we began eating them and she set hers down and hugged me so I set mine down too and hugged her back and after that we looked into each other's eyes again and she told me that I was her very best friend and I told her that she's my very best friend and we rubbed noses again until Our moment was interrupted again so we answered the door and found The Snack Pack sweating and panting because they were looking everywhere for Poppy so I invited them in and made them sundaes and ice water and after we were done with our sundaes we came to see you your majesty." Branch said and turned his head back to Poppy who was still in his arms and rubbed her nose against his and she began to return the gesture. Everyone couldn't stop smiling at them because they were so adorable together. Okay everyone I'm going to end this chapter here because I'm tired so I'm going to go and get some sleep, goodnight everyone.

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