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“Come one Come all!” my father yelled to a crowed. I watch him yell with joy as his red coat and red hair and his blue eyes sparkled in the light. I was in the background  with my twin brother Toc we looked alike blue eyes  and red hair. Dressed up the same suit and tie.
“look at daddy,Tic” Toc said
“yeah daddy pretty  cool  toc” I said as we both watched him. Are mother walked up behind us with her outfit on.
It was a swimsuit  with a skirt on that sparkled. “Ticky, Tocky let's get you two ready  my two special boys” mother said
“yes mommy” we both said as are eyes glowed red and we look back at daddy as he smiled and walk to the camp.
When the show started me and toc were in the camp but we could hear scream of fear.
“Lion is on” toc said
“next is daddy!” I said. We drink red liquid  and laughed. We are five years old my dad is the owner of “Mystery” the secret  freak show that has real freak show. Not even the police know we excited. Are mother walked in and hug us as the tallest man walked in behind her. his name is Jackson but we call him mr.Tall he had black hair and yellow eyes and a really long tongue.
“tic toc your turn to go on” mommy said as jackson walked off telling us to follow. We followed as we passed our father. We walk on stage and toc started  to talk. “Hello boys and girls my name i-is” he started  to sound like a broken clock.
The i spoke  “he is t-t-toc im t-t-tic” are blue eyes turn yellow and we started to jump around the wall. I jump on a person and tic my head a bit saying “tic toc let's run the clock” and jumped off as the person laugh. We stop at the stage and snap our necks as people scream. Father ran on the stage and laughed “give it a hand for my children!” We got up as are eyes glowed red and smiled and we bowed as people  clapped. after the show father brought in two young girls about 17 or 18 years old  show them our tent. “this is the clock tent” said looking at us. one girl had dirty blonde hair and green eyes  and the other girl had blue eyes  and red hair. “wow its so big you even have a t” i cut her off by standing up and smiling. the two girls shrieked  and freak out with enjoy meant. “that is my son Tic” my father spoke
“its nice to meet fans, toc say hello to the guest” toc stand up and bowed. then are eyes turn red and we attacked biting their neck as they scream in pain.We drank their blood until there wasn't a drop left. im Tic Vander I am now Fifthteen  years old I wish i was normal so this story never actually  happened  to me and my brother. so grab some popcorn  and enjoy  the show.

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