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“Ticky,Tocky!” I heard a girl yell. it was Shauna. She really nice person but people  are afraid  of her when you first meet her. She has Black hair and Black eyes with sharp teeth. her show name is Shark Tooth. I rolled out of bed as tocky walk outside in his Pajamas that were  blue and green as my were blue and yellow. I got up and ran to shauna yelling

“SHARK TOOTH!!” she look at me and smiled with here shark like teeth.

“hello Tocky” she said

“Im Ticky” I replied. She quickly apologize. “it's ok im use to it but tocky is more shy, you're still new so i give you a free pass” Shauna has been in a freak show before but that freak show was a very bad place. shaunua told us she got hit and kick by the owner. the people laugh at her pain until my dad visit that freak show she said “your dad was like an angel he saved me from that horrible place, that owner he said that he won't be doing freak shows anymore” so my dad brought in the freaks from that place if they wanted to.

Ticky walked up behind me and waved at shauna.

“tick where did you go?” i said. he put his head to my ear

“bathroom i...had to use it” tock whispered in my ear as i nodded my head

“ok, are you hungry?” i looked at him as he shaked his head no. our mother walked up behind  tock and  scared him. tick started to shake as she noticed that he was shaking she hug as tick laughed. “mom..dont do scared me” tock voiced shaked. it was normal for are voice to shake. the weird thing was my mom nor my dad voice shaked as much as ares mom was a vampire like are dad but she was human and was in the circus when she was a kid. Mom said she was a acrobat. now she is assistant.

my dad on the other hand is a pureblood vampire (pureblood vampires are the royal vampires) he made the freakshow in the 18 hundreds it's been 218 years since then.

i walked to the kitchen to help out the crew. (everyone  has to help in the freak show either by setting up the camp, clean up the mess, or make food) i saw sammy the three armed man. “hey,sammy anything i could do?” i said

“yeah you could clean kokeshi cage” sammy said

“yeah were kokeshi anyways?”

“he says he was going to see Nobel” sammy said as i nodded my head yes. i walked out of the kitchen  and go to kokeshi the soul  demon. the reason why he in a cage is so people can be more scared  but sometimes if kokeshi is sad or mad he tends to leave this so called soul sip. (soul sip: is where demons throw up and make little baby soul aka birth!) it's gross to clean up cause if you're not careful you can have a demon have your soul. So we don't allow  humans clean kokeshi  cage we do not want anyone in danger.  I grab matched and gasoline  and set kokeshi cage on fire as the soul sip yelled. there was a closet near. my brother walked next to me with a disgusting face “that”s gross! i mean kokeshi is a demon male right?” toc asked as he looked away

“yes kokeshi is a male demon he kinda like a seahorse or a very angry unicorn” i said with a laugh thinking about a tall shadow creature with red eyes and a evilly smile all the time is a unicorn running in a field and pooping rainbow candy and throwing up rainbows. I guess  toc was slightly laughing almost like a sleeping mice but how can i tell that he laughing people might ask simple his face. his red hair and blue eyes might hide his face a bit but his breathing pattern change when he happy,sad,or scared i can tell instantly what people mood are just how they're breathing.

“noble” a faint voice that was more dark “how many” he stop for a breath and walked closer “times do i have to tell you to clean up the blood?” me and toc hide inside the closet as the footsteps walked in.

“oh come on kokeshi a little blood never killed anyone” a lighter voice said

“unless that blood was all over the floor” the dark voice said

“she had it coming I mean she did hit me”

“what if The boss figure you killed a girl again Noble huh? i'm not helping you out of that”

“don’t worry i’ll make sure he won't find out”  noble was a brown hair with green eyes always wearing a red t-shirt and jeans  with white tennis shoes. toc sneezed as I looked in shocked as footsteps ran to the closet. the door slammed opened as kokeshi looked at us  as his breathing pattern was slow i could tell he was angry me and toc bolted out of the tent as fast as we could. if we stay there maybe this story might end better than it did.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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