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I stretched my long legs, letting out a yawn as I sat up out of Landon's bed. Of course, he's still out like a light. I couldn't sleep at all last night. Not because of what happened, to be completely honest I'm kind of over it. That's one of the many weird things about me; I get over shit easily. Why linger on something that's already happened and there's nothing I can do about it? I'm not a time traveler, the past is the past. I couldn't sleep because I missed my cushiony bed that doesn't smell like Landon.

I got up quietly, gracious enough to not wake Landon up in the process. He let me stay with him last night, and I was freaked out then so I'll let him sleep.

I closed his door as quietly as I could, and made my way downstairs. No one else is up yet, it's only eight in the morning. Mason and Dom don't work today, and it's Saturday so no school. I know all the guys stayed over last night, they were all shitfaced drunk. They may be prone to an STD or two, but they're somehow smart enough to not drink and drive.

I walked through the living room, concerning my thoughts. Passed out on our couches are Zeak, Austin, Asher, and surprisingly Will. I wasn't expecting to see him here this morning. He wasn't drinking, so I thought he'd just walk home next door instead of stay here with these losers. Maybe he just wanted to stay the night.

Is it possible for someone to look even cuter in their sleep? His lips are pouted and his cheeks are smushed giving him childlike features. Cute.

I looked at the other three and laughed quietly. They look horrible. They're having hangovers for sure. I've always wondered what they feel like, but from what I've seen, not good.

I walked into the kitchen where I stopped dead in my tracks. Two girls are siting on the stools by my counter. I crossed my arms over my chest and cleared my throat, getting their attention. "Can I help you?" I asked with obvious false hospitality.

I can't believe they did this. Last night of all nights they just had to get laid. After what happened? Yeah I'm over it now, but what if I wasn't. Like they would even care. All they care about is fucking dumb little toys, like the two that are looking at me in shock.

I didn't recognize either of them, for once. Both of them looked older than me, one was maybe 21 while the other looked 18. The 21 looking one gave me a friendly smile, "Wow, Mason and Dom got you too huh? Or was it one of the other hunks." She laughed obnoxiously.

My mouth hung open at what she implied. I'm really going to puke. Before I could tell her 'fuck no I'm their sister' the other bimbo opened her mouth, "Tell me about it. Big genes definitely run in this family." She smirked.

I closed my mouth and somehow shook out of the state of disgust I was in, "Get out." I said. They shouldn't be here in the first place. What are they even doing, siting at my counter.

They both looked at me like fish bobbing for air, in shock at my rudeness. The 21 looking one straightened up, "We were just leaving. I'm guessing you're the one we're supposed to 'not let see us'." She fake laughed and held the other girls hand as they walked together out the front door.

I closed the door, almost hitting their fake asses with it and locked it. I'm no longer in the mood to make them a nice and yummy breakfast like I was before. They can fend for themselves, like they so obviously did last night. I turned on my heel and walked back upstairs. "Un-fucking-believable..." I mumbled to myself. They even tried to hide from me, Mason, Dom, or one of my other brothers told them to not let me see them. I scoffed. Like that would work.

I went into my room and closed the door, going into the bathroom. I undressed, and got in the shower. Even after what happened last night, the break in, the cops showing up, and some of them beating the shit out of some creep, they go and be fuckboys. Typical. I can't say I'm too surprised with their actions though, it's just like them.

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