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I am so not a morning person. Waking up a whole hour earlier than I usually do on a Monday sucks; but it's necessary. I'm going to go talk to Zeak at his house before school, that way I'm not worrying about it all day long. Better sooner than later.

I poked Kaid, who's happily sleeping on his side of my bed. I'm showered, dressed, and about to leave for Zeaks house. Kaid groaned, and shifted his body, "I'm leaving for Zeaks house. I'll see you after school, love you!" I whispered, hoping that some part of his subconscious heard me.

I threw my bag over my shoulder, and headed downstairs. I heard sounds in the kitchen, and popped my head through the door, to see what's going on. How or why Mason and Jax are morning people, I'll never understand.

"Soph?" Jax narrowed his eyes at me in question. He's sitting at the table, with his boxers on, scrolling through his phone.

I stepped into the kitchen, "Hey," I greeted. Mason turned around too, raising his eyebrows. "I have somewhere I need to be early today. My manager needs someone to check something at the shop," I lied. It's probably not the best idea to lie to them, but telling them I'm going over to Zeaks house alone, isn't a good idea.

I've been to Zeaks house a couple times, but always with my brothers. Sometimes he would do a game night at his house when his very busy lawyer parents are out of town.

Zeak has no idea I'm coming over. It was Kaids idea to catch him off guard, so he can't think of some bullshit lie to try and cover his actions from the past two days.

Mason nodded his head, understanding. "Just make sure you get to school on time," he gave me a pointed look.

"Okie dokie," I agreed, turning to leave.

"Wow, love you too!" Jax called, irritated that I didn't say I love you after I left.

I giggled, "Love you!" I called.


Zeak only lives fifteen minutes away from us, so I got there quickly. His house is larger, about the same size as ours. The only differences is that our house is white and cream, while his house is a mixture of blacks and grays. His parents are both lawyers, so it's fair to say that Zeak is pretty wealthy, and it shows. He's not cocky about it though, he doesn't act like a spoiled little rich boy.

I parked my car along the side of his large roundabout driveway. There's a truck, and Zeaks sports car in the spots behind me. His dad must still be here. My palms got sweaty at the thought of having to tell his dad why am here. Especially because Zeak is probably still sleeping. His parents have always liked me, even though we've only met less than a handful of times. They're really nice people, they're always well-dressed, too.

I'm only ever seen his dad in a tuxedo, or some kind of fancy looking suit. And his mom, I've only ever seen her in some kind of pants suit, or nice looking skirt with a matching top. How is Zeke came from those two, I have no idea. As he wears a lot of black, and has tattoos and piercings everywhere, and his parents looks so professional.

I stepped out of my car, locking it on the way to his front door. I knocked twice, and patiently waited. I heard the footsteps walking towards the door, and my hands only got sweatier. What if Zeak answers the door? I wasn't prepared to face him, with me standing outside of his house looking like a lost puppy.

The large door opened, revealing Zeaks Dad, dressed in a suit. He smiled, when he saw that it was me, a bright genuine smile. "Sophia," he stepped away from the enterance, letting me in, "Come on in, its chilly out." He ushered me in. "How are you? It's been a while since I've seen you." He started the small talk.

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