Chapter One: The Sippycup

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"Y/N! Y/N!" Your mom calls to you from downstairs. "Come down here, the new neighbors are here!"

"Ugh!" You close your laptop with a slam. Your mom says that you should go out more, and apparently meeting new people are one of the requirements. You're turning eighteen in two days, you need to mature and make friends. But you do as your mom wishes, and decides to meet your new neighbors. You walk downstairs wearing your favorite team jersey, the Toronto Blue Jays and blue jean shorts. 

"Why don't you dress more appropriate? Make a good first impression please." Your mom rolls her eyes at your outfit. 

"But it's summer. I need to look 'active.'" You roll your eyes back at her and stick your feet into some blue flip-flops. "Well, I'm off, i'll be back later."

"Be safe!" Mom calls out, as you're halfway out the door.


Great. Probably some freaks live there, and they're gonna kidnap me. I want to move out so badly, finally you make it to the big brown doubledoors. You pause for a minute, and then make three loud knocks on the door. A boy with light blonde curls opens it, with a smile. 

"Hello." He says to you with a friendly smile. 

"Oh, hello. Are you the new neighbor's son?" You stare at the boy, studying him. He looks to be around nineteen or eighteen, but he has the face of a twelve year old. 

"Oh, no. I just moved here from Canada by myself. Is this place nice? It seems lovely."  He says very quietly. 

"What was that?" You feel stupid because you can't hear him. Maybe he's just a really shy person.

"Oh, i'm very sorry." He says a bit louder. He looks down at his feet, until a little Polar bear runs out of the house. 

"Who are you?" The Polar Bear tugs on the boys shirt. 

"I'm Canadia." He smiles at the Polar Bear. "Oh, I'm Canada, but you can call me Matthew. And this is Kumajirou." He picks up Kumajirou and holds him close to his chest.

"Mind if I call you Mattie?" You ask Matthew with a smile.

"Sure, and you are?" Mattie asks clinging onto Kumajirou.

"Oh, yeah. I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you, Kumajirou and Mattie." You pat Kumajirou's soft, fuzzy, white head.

"Would you like to come in?" Mattie places Kumajirou down on the shaggy carpet.

"I'd love too." You smile at him. He was adorable. You knew you had feelings for him already, although you had just met Mattie. But everything about him was perfect. His shyness, his hair, his eyes. His glasses. But you can't just say that you love a complete stranger, maybe more of a 'love at first sight' type of feeling.

"Please, ignore the boxes. I haven't been able to do much un-packing." Mattie looks down, embarrassed.

"Oh, it's fine. I can help you un-pack a bit, if you want." You grab his hand. "We can do it together. It'll be fun."

"Really? That'd be great! I'd love having you help me, please." Mattie smiles. his fingers intertwining with yours. "Come right inside." You follow him into the house, and he sure was not kidding; boxes were everywhere. This might take a few days. 

"Wow. You weren't kidding. But it's fine, I will help you as much as you need." 

"Really?" He blushes a bright red. 

"Of course, I think we can become good friends." You smile at his big blue eyes, that seem to be sparking. But you wanted to be more than friends with this boy. He was simply adorable. But instead, you head to the box that is labeled 'Kitchen' and open it, revealing a box filled with only pancake mix. "So, you must like Pancakes."

"O-Oh. Yeah." He blushes again. "I love Pancakes."

"No way, I do too!" You smile back at him. "So where is the kitchen?"

"Right through that door over there, I think." He points to a white door around the corner. You carry the box to the kitchen, and find Kumajirou eating the maple syrup out of the cabinet. 

"Mattie! Kuma's eating the syrup!" You stare at the little Polar bear with sticky fingers.

"What?" Mattie runs to the kitchen. "Kumajirou, please don't eat all of it. We can share."

"Okay, who are you?" Kumajirou smiles up at Mattie.

"I'm Canadia, your owner."

"Who is she? Is she your girlfriend?" Kumajirou asks Mattie, slightly staring at you. 

"N-No." You both say at the same time, ever so quietly. Although you really wanted that answer to be a yes. 

"Are you sure?" Kuma's little bear eyes staring up at you.

"I'm positive." You pat Kuma's head and take the maple syrup from him. "Here Kuma, how about we go get some baby sippycups for you, so you can have your own syrup."

"Yes! Yes!" Kuma hugs your hand.

"Would you like to come with me to the market, Mattie?" You hug the little Polar bear back.

"I'd love too." He says quietly, and pushes back his glasses.

Kisses of the Maple *Hetalia Canada x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now