Chapter Three: Don't mind me I'm just Canada.

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The date went amazing, although Kuma attempted to smash your and Mattie's heads together about fifteen times. You eventually asked Matthew to come to the party with you. He said yes, and asked if he could bring Kuma.

"Do you want me to uh-" Mattie sniffles. "Drive you home?"

"Do you have a cold?" You ask, hugging his waist. Making things feel a bit more comfortable. "And sure, thanks."

"Maybe, I don't know." He wraps his warm arms around you, sqweezing you tightly. You wish this moment lasted forever, but he pulls away after a few seconds.

A bit later

"Y/NN!" Lauren greets you with a hug, her brown eyes sparkling with happiness. Her choppy brown hair in curls, just like yours.

"Lauren! Hi!" You hug her back, basically tasting the perfume on her. "Have you uh, seen a boy with glasses around here?"

"Uh. I've seen about twenty." Lauren laughs, her rosey lips forming a duckface. She loves to kid around with you, and be silly. It was her thing.

"He's blonde, and he smells like syrup?.." You look at your converse.

"Oh, Maple boy! Yeah, he's over there. By that one fine piece of booty." She points over to Mattie and a boy in a brown leather pilot jacket with a star on the front.

"Thanks, babes." You hug her tightly.

"No problem, bae." She smiles. "Also, get that booty boy over here for me."

You awkwardly walk away.

"Sup, dudette!" The leather boy laughs. His voice is so loud it almost hurts your ears.

"Hello. I'm Y/N." You smile at him.

"I'm Alfred, and your living in me."


He nodded his head, turning to Mattie.

"Dude! Is she the gal you've been telling me about!" Mattie blushed and nodded shyly. "She's hotter in real life!"

You giggle and blush, hugging Mattie.

"D'awe, so cute. The Feels." Lauren faints dramatically.

"Shuddup." You laugh at her.

"Sup, dudette. Your looking pretty hot tonight." Alfred winks at Lauren.

"My hotness is all yours." Lauren flips her curled brown hair over her shoulder. "But thanks, dude." She winks back. Alfred leans back, and whispers into his brothers ear a bit too loudly.

"Be right back, dude. I'm gonna go get me some hot chick."

"O-O-Okay.." Matthew reply's, blushing and staring awkwardly at you.

Alfred skips away happily with Lauren, as you and Mattie find yourselves wandering over to a long brown sofa. You notice that only one of you is going to be able to sit down, so you offer Mattie the seat.

"No, no. You sit down." Mattie smiles.

"No, I insist." You smile back.

"Okay, only if you say so. If you want you can uh.." Mattie pauses, and looks down at his lap.

"I can what?" You ask, curious.

"Sit on my lap.." He laughs at himself. He sounded adorable, and you were not going to pass up that offer.

"I'd love too, actually." You sit down, grabbing his hands and wrapping them around you. "You're really warm. Are you sure i'm not hurting you?"

"No, you're not hurting me. Kuma sits on my lap all the time. You're surprisingly light." Mattie hugs you. You take in his sweet smell of maple syrup, and whats that?..

Body spray?.. Since when does Matthew Williams, Canada; wear body spray.

"You smell good today. I like it." You look up at him, with his big blue eyes.

"You always smell good, Y/N." He looks like he's about ready to kiss you, but that'd be silly.

"Awe. Thanks, you always know to say. I love that about you. Well, I love a lot of things about you. Especially your laugh, and your blush and your-" You were interrupted by something unspeakable. He kissed you, his lips were so soft, and perfect. You loved him. And he loved you, and you knew that.

"I love you, Y/N." Matthew hugs you, tightly. Kissing your cheek every now and then, it was just the best night ever. But you were extremely tired, and he could tell. You eventually ended up falling asleep in his lap, so he had to carry you into Alfred's car.

"Alfred, can you drive us back to my house please?" Matthew asks.

"Sure, dude." He laughs. "Did ch'ya kiss her?"

"Maybe, I'm not gonna tell you though." Matthew laughs, quietly. "Also, be quiet. She's sleeping." Matthew ended up sitting in the back with your head on his lap. He was occasionally stroking your light, fluffy hair. When they pulled up to Matthew's driveway, he decided to bring you inside of his house. In the morning he could just go explain it to your mom anyways.

"Goodnight, sweetpea." He kissed your forehead as he laid you down in his bed. He wrapped the biggest blanket he could find around you. He decided it would be best to stay out of the room when you were sleeping, because he didn't want to wake you up.

"Matthew?" You lay up in the bed, looking for the boy you love.

"Yes, sweetpea?" He turns around at you.

"Will you come lay with me?"

He walks over to the large bed and lays down next to you, wrapping his arms around you; giving you all of his body warmth.

"I love you, Mattie." You kiss him, then drift back to sleep.

"I love you too, Maple."

Kisses of the Maple *Hetalia Canada x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now