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Chapter 7 - HNL

I been dancing all day and practicing my solo dance and it's was becoming stressful I just need a break . I been going practice and it's was Saturday where I could relax but I just couldn't cause I had a date with Digo even though I didn't seem him or Mech all day yesterday so I hung out with Mila cause I missed my crazy bestfriend.

"So , you and Digo have a date ?" She asked as we sat in the quiet restaurant as I chewed on my burger that I order ,"yup , I'm not sure how it's going to be but I'm not to fond of fancy restaurant I like regular ones ." I said and it was the truth .

I didn't understand why guys always had to take their girl somewhere fancy on the first date- hell I like going to regular places then fancy to impress me. But, maybe that my views on things but girls get that fancy date or boys get that fancy date .

"Well are you sure because , we haven't seen them two all day or yesterday I haven't even talk to Mech . It doesn't seem like anything is plan ." She looked uneasy about it as she titled her head cutting up her chicken as I picked up a fry to eat it .

I had my work clothes on since I came in a late shift and had work tomorrow anyway so I couldn't take her shift over to get pay . I played with my hair that was in two braids as it reached lower bra length .

"True , but it's whatever if it doesn't happen . I was playing on going to see my parents in queens today just to get out and about ." I said since it was still early and I could beat traffic and head to visit them for a surprise since I have talked or seen them .

She smiled ,"exactly we should go now , that sounds like a fun plan ." She said as we called over the waiter to give us to-go boxes as we wrapped our food up and payed for the bill as we left right after .

I sat in the driver seat as I waited for Mila to put on her seatbelt , as I turned on the radio and sat back in my seat. Mila drove out of the restaurant as I played with my hair and stayed on my phone . Traffic wasn't that bad but it still got heavy in some places . We arrived finally at my parents house as we park and got out the driveway.

It was a two story house as my parents always worked hard for what they had , we walked up the driveways as we reached the door and I knocked waiting for someone to respond .

"Are they here ?" Mila asked as I nodded my head pointing to the open garage because I knew whenever my dad was doing something he open up the garage doors .

The door open revealing my mom as she almost broke into tears as I haven't seen or talk to her in a while . She pulled me into a hug as we rocked back and forth ,"my baby ." She spoke softly as I heard her voice shake .

She let go as she gave me a good look before she seen Mila and gave her a hug as we walked inside . It smelt like good food and I could eat one more time for her .

"I'm so happy to see you girls , uh making me cry . There food in the living room so go sit I'm going to get your brother and sister ." My mom said as she ran upstairs and left us shortly .

We headed to the living room to see my dad sitting down as he stood up ,"my girls are back home , this is crazy." My dad said as he walked over to us and gave a big group hug as I loved being in my father embrace it was just a natural happy feeling .

I loved my father very much and always looked up to his hard work he always did , he was the one to make me reach and show my potential and never stop what I'm doing no matter what .

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