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I woke up as I was curled up in a ball on the floor as everything was kinda blurry . I rubbed my eyes as it was filled with yuck as I needed to wash my face and get myself together . I pulled myself up as I was still in yesterday clothes as I my purse was knocked over and I didn't bother to fix t . I stood up to my full height as I pulled my shoes off and headed to my room . Once I was in my room , I went inside the bathroom and turned on the water as I just needed a bath cause I was done with everything.

Last night I decided that I was going to be single, focus on me and if something happens then something happens and I wouldn't have a care in the world . This was my part in struggling and I knew this was my struggle . I knew that this would make me a stronger and better person even though I'm going through this right now .

I stripped down naked as the water filled up to where I wanted it as I got inside the hot water and sat down as it was relaxing . My mind flutter with thoughts as I stared up at the ceiling as I wet my hair and dipped my head down more into the water . I closed my eyes as I heard Julian voice as I sat up and locked around as no one was there . I pulled my legs to my chest as the water made noise around me as I put my head in my knees .

This was my mental breakdown.

I washed my body once I was able to pull myself together . I got out and drained the water as I grabbed a white towel and washed my face in the sink and brushed my teeth . I clean the tub once the water was join then after that I went into the living room and sat down on the couch as I open my laptop and went to my classroom as I check in and grabbed my things I needed .

I had time so I made me some tea and sat back down as my hair dripped down my back as I tighten my towel and relaxed . My teacher came on which was an older white women who was really nice when we needed help with our art or we didn't fully understand the drawing concept .

"Hello , students we are close to an ending as this week is our last week and you guys will each be mailed your certificate for doing this . I hope you all follow your passion in art and be more successful. Now please take out a clean piece of paper and draw a cat for today random ." She smiled as I couldn't help but to smile but it hurt to smile .

It almost like I couldn't pull myself to do it because it hurt and I knew that I was hurting on the inside . I did what she said as I did the rest of the class ; the drawing helped me out that piece of the morning . I wonder what happen to Mila during this time when I needed her or when I wanted to talk . She hasn't been here for me , and she hasn't been stopping by .

She's probably doesn't care about me anymore .

The door got knocked on as I turned my head and stood up as I walked to the door and open it without looking through the peep hole . Dave stood in the hallway as I rolled my eyes at him cause he was another one I didn't want to see. I didn't want to see nobody that I knew on this floor.

"Baby , how are you ?" He asked as I looked at his outfit as he had on a black shirt and black fitted sweatpants and some blue shoes as he looked like he just got up .

I rolled my eyes at him ,"I'm sorry David , but I'm not your 'baby ' and I don't know why your showing up here ." I said as he titled his head as he looked confused .

Cause I was confused on why he was here ,"yo , why are you playing with me -." I put my hand up ,"I'm not playing with you . You was so drunk last night that you gave permission for Julian to hurt me when I came home crying to you . You are a piece of shit who doesn't know how to comfort your girlfriend -not even drunk ." I yelled as he looked at me with pity .

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