Chapter 2- Knowledge

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I struggled to open my eyes. A bright light in the distance beckoned me to say the words again. What if I did would any harm come to me? I forced these thoughts to the back of my mind and said them once again, "Luanine, Windavo, Eucraciam." I could feel my heart in my throat as I said each word.

In front of me a man appeared. And as I tried to focus I realised he was not a man. He was my father. The woods of Faerie stood over him the trees holding him hostage screaming his name. Crying, "Murderer!" into his ears, until they bled. Their high pitched screams hurt my ears and I held my hands against them.

Into the clearing where my father lay, stood James. "This makes no sense!" I screamed at Jamie, but no one here could hear me. I moved closer to hear the conversation between my father and Jamie. Jamie stood over him crying.

"I could not help your daughter, I could not stop their hold on her, I beg your forgiveness!" Who is 'they' I thought to myself fear eloping me to keep listening.

"You have killed your leader, you have killed your lover, you have killed my daughter, why on earth would I forgive you?" I heard my father say.

It hit me like a knife straight to my heart. The thought of Jamie killing me filled my very soul with darkness.

"Because I can fix this, she is going to be okay, I will give her this," Jamie held up the bracelet that he had given me the eve of my birthday. I looked at him in amazement, the darkness inside me started to lessen.

"You do realise your gift, lord reflector, could force her true nature upon her. You will be in pain to look upon her. Her nature can kill us all until she learns how to control it," he bellowed at him in pain. Blood hit the ground dripping from his lips and covering the floors of the faerie forest where he lay.

What on earth could this mean for me? I realised why I had lost James but this didn't explain his humanity that had taken him.

"I do sir, first she will see us discussing this and will know of my choice, I do this for her survival only, but in return I ask for a favour from the lord of Night."

"Please, NO! Don't! I love you Jamie, don't leave me, don't do it!" I screamed at him but it was no use. No one in this scene could hear me. I was non-existent. The pain of losing him swallowed me up and I forced it into a narrow void of my mind for later. I can understand his reasons, I thought to myself.

A flash of lightning bellowed from the skies forcing my attention to it and struck the ground. From the dust in the air appeared a faerie I did not recognise. I was always taught to recognise the rulers of the courts. Maybe a new ruling had taken place.

"What is the favour you ask? For I am lord of the Nights and I do not wish harm upon thy Faerie Queen." He spoke in an old way, he seemed wise for a wielder of the elements and I listened intently. For it seemed he was the new ruler of elements.

"I ask for the marriage of The Queen, I ask for her heart. In return she will live and prosper as your Queen and her death will never come upon us." When Jamie said this I realised. Since the moment I saw him I had undyingly loved him...but had not known the reason. If it was so then my love was wielded by the elements and not true. A cold rush of pain fled my mind as I thought this.

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