Chapter 6- The Bracelet

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I strode out of her room and grabbed my staff from outside her doorway where I had left it. As reluctant as I was to leave her I realised I must do more to save her. Give something more of myself and truly show her my love for her. It was then that her father appeared again to me, this time Ezaziel was not glamouring himself.

"You love her?" he asked looking at me in amusement.

"Yes it seems I do," I said quite irritated by his amusement to this.

"Good. I must warn you that things are going to be very difficult from now on. I will not be around for a while. If you wish to visit me, the past is the key." He said looking at me.

"I understand." I said looking at him knowing that he knew what would be his future and past.

 It was truly admirable. Not only that he possessed the portal but also the impossible to reach fountain of fortune. Not many Fae had visited it and lived to tell the tale. Yet I had, but could never tell the tale.

"I will take you to the time that you and my daughter are together. You know what it is you are to do." He began to walk back to his study. I followed him again. His stride was large and I managed to keep up pace silently.

We reached the emerald door once again and opened it whispering in Elvin language the passage to where he was taking me where he then opened the door. We began descending the stairs in deep darkness into the past of the mortal world. He obviously had control over where this portal leads, absolutely amazing.

I looked around the place we were in. It was dusk. Light slowly fading and I was standing in the shadows. The place was really nice considering it was mortal. The trees whispered to me, "Go to her, near the Gazebo."

"Thank you tree spirit," I whispered in return.

I looked around and there she was, as beautiful was ever, standing in the park of her mortal world. She was wearing a white dress and making a daisy chain. In the centre of the park was the gazebo where she sat near and leading up to it was a path. All around me was green grass. I watched her for a while and then presumed my half human glamour. I began to walk up the grey stone path stone path towards her.

As I began to approach her out of the shadows she looked up and realised my presence. She stood up dropping her daisy chain, her face so happy beyond believe.  Her dress flowed around her as she ran towards me with inhuman speed.

"Jamie you're here!" she ran up to me with a gleeful smile and embraced me in a hug. The hug felt so pleasant and I could feel her immortality within it.

"Yes I am," I said reflecting my smile with hers, "I have something for you...," I began but her face turned up in the strangest smirk and she interrupted me.

"My birthday isn't until tomorrow, can't you wait?" She said.

Well this was defiantly new news but it would work to my favour. I would give this to her as an early birthday present. Her father was definitely making sure she would accept this bracelet. I placed my hand in my pocket where the delicate bracelet was.

Placing my fingers over the gems, I focused hard on it, placing some of my fey nature into it. The webs of my Faerie nature intertwined into the gems, I began to feel myself becoming the half Faerie I was appearing to her as. I could feel the secret power within the gems and their powerful glow.

 I had added power to the transporting bracelet of my ancestors. In truth I was going to hand her some of my powers within this bracelet for extra protection. 

I looked into her eyes, so blue and innocent. "This bracelet Ivy is for you," I removed the bracelet from my pocket and fixed it around her wrist, "It was my great grandmothers and I was looking at it thinking that you should have it, Happy Birthday Ivy. I love you."

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