Chapter II

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Underline = POV's thoughts
Bold = Authors notes (aka me)
Italics = substitute for double quotation marks " "

Otabek's POV (a/n: it's my boys time to shine!!!!)

I got woken up by the sun shining through a crack in the curtains after 5 minutes of trying to go back to sleep I finally open my eyes and the first thing I see is possibly the most beautiful sight I've seen and I see this ever single morning (why the fuck am I so cheesy! XD) I saw my beautiful boyfriend sleeping peacefully his perfect blonde hair framing his beautiful pale face (I'm so cheesy kill me) I love seeing how peaceful Yuri looks when he's sleeping like he has no care in the world when in reality he cares about everything, he cares about what people think of him, he cares what people say about him, he cares how he looks, he cares about every single little thing he does on a daily basis.

After looking at my beautiful boyfriend for about 5 minutes (Beka you're turning into Edward Collins) he finally started opening his beautiful blue/green eyes (I'm still confused in Yuri's eye color XD) once he finally opened his eyes he instantly smiled "Good morning Beka" he said once he was fully not really awake "It's 2 pm Yura it's not morning anymore" I said with a small chuckle at the end, once I said that he instantly sat up catching me off guard "Wait really?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" He said with a slight irritated tone despite the fact that he looked like he was about to fall asleep right here and now, I laid back down since I'm still tired even if it's 2 in the afternoon after a few seconds or minutes of silence except for Yuri getting more irritated in the background I finally said "I just barely woke up myself and it's Saturday who cares if it's 2 pm?" Once I said that he was less irritated but he still looked like he could rip someone's head off in a second (me every time someone wakes me up) "Beka it's the first day of march! You know what that means?" After Yuri saying that I decided to mess with him to see how irritated he can get in just one morn- afternoon keep forgetting it's already 2 "it's 19 days before spring?" I asked as if I didn't know it was his birthday (fun fact about me I have the same birthday as Yura) "Are you honestly that stupid Beka?" He said getting irritated for the second time since we woke up, I started regretting the decision of trying to get him irritated once I remembered how annoyed he got the last time I pretended I didn't remember his birthday "Okay fine I know it's your birthday I was trying to get you irritated" I finally confessed okay so he just got more irritate once I confessed that you guys know the anime vein that shows up when they're mad yeah that (wow Beka you're breaking the 4th wall) "You bitch you know how that annoys me! But forget about that what do you want to do?" He said after his little facial episode was over, I suddenly remembered what I wanted to do again.

Yuri's POV

After I asked him what he wanted to do he suddenly got really serious and honestly it's worrying me "Otabae? Are you okay?" I asked in a small voice "Yeah I'm fine but I need to talk to about you something really important" he said in a serious tone oh god I hope he doesn't break up with me he's literally my word there was silence in the room for a few until I broke the silence "Okay, what do you want to talk about? Are you gonna break up with me? I knew I wasn't good enough for you" my voice cracked a little at the end, I suddenly feel Otabek's cold hands grab my face and make me look up at him "No I'm not gonna break up with you! You're literally my whole world, I would never break up with you no matter what" he said while looking me in the eyes, I turned my head to the side I couldn't take looking at him in the eyes for so long especially after what I said just a few minutes ago.

The room was silent for a few minutes suddenly Beka spoke up "Yura why won't you ever let me see you without your shirt? You always change in the bathroom and you never take your shirt off when we go to the pool or beach" he said and there it was, the question I dreaded the most, the question I never wanted to hear. I stayed quiet I didn't want to answer it I was scared of him hating me after I told him but I can't keep this up forever "Otabae will you promise me you won't hate me after I tell you the truth?" After I asked that he immediately answered with "I would never hurt you Yura, I promise" okay here goes nothing "I'm transgender" I said in a voice barely over a whisper

Okay so I just noticed how fucking cheesy this chapter is like yeah I mentioned it a few time but now that I'm rereading it, it's getting cheesier and cheesier and sorry for the cliffhanger at the end I feel like I should make a chapter dedicated to the outcome so yeah. This chapter is earlier and it's because I have nothing better to do and Yura's jacket hasn't arrived so I can't start on the cosplay so I decided to write this chapter and post it early

I hope you like it and if you don't please tell me how to improve it because I'm really rusty as writing cause I haven't written a story in over 5 months so I'm still getting the hang of writing again  

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