Chapter III

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Underline = POV's thoughts
Bold = Authors notes (aka me)
Italics = substitute for double quotation marks " "

Otabek's POV

"I'm transgender" Yuri said in a voice barely above a whisper I started processing those words in my head, I guess I took a while since I saw Yuri getting up with tears in his eyes "Hey don't go!" I said while wrapping my arms around his waist I sat him on my lap and I made him look at me "Hey it's okay don't cry, I still love you even if you're physically a girl" I said while wiping his tears away, he stopped crying and looked up at me "Really? You don't care" he asked while looking up at me with bloodshot eyes "No I don't care, I don't care what you look like I just care that you are happy and comfortable with me to tell me when you need something, you are beautiful just the way you are and I wouldn't change you for the world you mean to much to me" (fucking hell I'm cheesy XD) I said while hugging him and stroking his hair

Yurio's POV

He really doesn't care! Oh my god I'm so happy he doesn't care I'm a girl and that he still loves me I thought while I was still in Beka's embrace "I love you" I said after a few minutes of silence "I love you too" I heard Beka say against my hair.

I'm finally truly happy, I feel like crying and that's exactly what I did I cried into Beka's shoulder "Why are you crying" he asked once he noticed that his shoulder was getting damp "I'm just happy you still love me and that me being a physically a girl won't change how you feel about me" I said through sobs, he lifted my head up and smiled down at me and said "Of course that won't change how I feel about you, I love you for all the little things you do that are adorable like how you curl up into a ball like a cat when you sleep and how you get annoyed when someone calls you Yurio" I blushed at the first one I didn't think anyone would notice that but I guess since we sleep together he's gonna notice that.

~Magical time skip brought to you by Yurio's obsession with cats~

It's been a few hours since I told Otabek about me being transgender after that we talked for 3 hours straight about how I felt and all that other stuff, he even offered to pay so I can get top surgery "Come on babe let me pay it! I can afford it!" He said for the 50th time in the last minute "I know you can but I don't want you to spend money on me" I responded getting annoyed that he won't stop telling me he wants to pay for it, it's actually sweet he wants to pay but I have to do this without people spending money on me

~a phone call later (Beka is on the phone)~

"Ok fuck it! I'm not even gonna ask, you have an appointment at 2pm this Saturday! And yes I already paid for it" I heard Beka yell from the kitchen what no! He actually did it! "You son of a bitch! I told you not to pay for it" I yelled from our shared bedroom "Well too bad so sad it's already gonna happen" he answered back while standing at our doorway "oh god this is gonna be the longest 2 days of my life" I mumbled under my breath, I'm actually gonna get top surgery oh my god I feel like screaming

I can't think of anything except being pissed at Otabek for paying for my surgery I could've paid for it but no my boyfriend just had to be the sweetest motherfucker (yuriofucker) and pay for it without even telling me he was actually gonna pay for it


Oh hey a late chapter already and I just barely started the story how fucking nice! *sarcasm the extreme*

Anyways~ so yeah I just recently moved (finally!!) and I couldn't update anything cause I had to unpack my shit and school is starting in 3 days for me and I have to buy the school shit so I'll probably update late from now on cause I'm going to an all Spanish school and my Spanish is rusty cause I've been living 4 years in the US and I never talked Spanish except with my family and I barely talk to them anyways so yeah sorry for the late chapter

I Love You Either Way •Otayuri trans AU• ⭕️ON HOLD⭕️Where stories live. Discover now