Chapter 6:

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The next day I went to the beach. Alone. It was either go to the beach alone or third wheel with Beth and Jason at the hotel pool. I didn’t really mind. I was better on my own anyways and I brought my book with me. It was nice to read in the sun. The light breeze tried to flip the pages but it wasn’t so bad.

            “Reading again?” a voice asked and I looked up to see Liam. He sat on the sand next to me.

            “You know you have a problem with inviting yourself to sit with me.”

            “Why is it that you are always alone?”

            “I like being alone.”

            “You basically just called yourself anti-social.”

            “Then I’m anti-social.”

            “Do you want to do something tonight?”

            “I don’t do dates.”

            “Who said it was a date?” Liam asked raising his eyebrow.

            “No one, I was just making it clear,” I said coolly.

            “Are you always so rude?”

            “You’ll get used to it.”

            “So I’ll knock on your door at seven. Wear something nice. We’re going dancing.”

            “I don’t dance.”

            “You do now,” he stated and I sulked as he got up and walked away before I could even open my mouth again.


He was taking me dancing. What do I wear to go dancing? I didn’t have dresses or skirts. I had shorts. That was literally all I had brought. Shorts. The whole contents of my suitcase were spilled out onto my bed and I didn’t know what to wear. Who even went dancing anymore? Wasn’t that something people did in like the 1950’s?

Drastic times called for drastic measures. I was freaking out. How did I not have at least one dress? I went and knocked on Beth’s door and Jason opened.

            “Hey, is Beth here?”
            “Hey, what’s up?” Beth asked poking her head out of the kitchen.

            “I’m going to tell you and you aren’t going to make a fuss of it or tease me or anything. You’re just going to help me, got it?”

            “What do you need help with?” Beth asked curiously.

            “Clothes,” I admitted and Beth just gave me a look. “Liam said he’s taking me dancing and I don’t know what to wear.”

            “Wait, wait, wait, wait! Hold up!” Beth said dramatically, “Are you going out on a date with Liam? As in Liam Payne. As in the Liam Payne from One Direction?”
            “It’s not a date but the rest is true,” I admitted.

            “And what happened to ‘if I ever see him again it’ll be too soon’ and all that other crap you were saying?”

            “He’s just so persistent and I don’t know what to wear to go dancing and I obviously can’t go like this!” I cried referring to the fact that I was still only wearing a pair of shorts with a black bikini top.

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