Chapter 12:

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I was twelve cowering behind a wall as my parents through words and objects across the room at each other as carelessly as a drunk man falls down a flight of stairs.

            “You’re a horrendous bastard! And you’re a worthless piece of shit that doesn’t do anything!” my mother yelled.

            “And you’re an insignificant, nagging bitch that doesn’t know when the fuck to shut up!” my dad shouted back. A loud shattering sound filled my head.

            “THAT WAS MY MOTHER’S CRYSTAL VASE! YOU ASSHOLE!” I heard my mother cry out moments later.

            “It was a dust collector!” my dad retorted. “All this crap,” he said and I heard more things crashing to the floor, “Are pointless and worthless and insignificant just like you and the brat you brought into the world!”

            “Don’t blame me for her! You’re the one who had the broken fuckin’ condom!”

            “And you’re the one who didn’t want to get the fucking abortion!”

            “My mother wouldn’t allow it! She would’ve cut off our money supply, you dick face!”

            “Everything bloody revolves around your bloody mother,” he muttered.

            “You are so damn inconsiderate! You low life bastard! She is the reason the lights are actually working right now! And you don’t appreciate anything she’s done for us! I’m going to take Daisy and leave! I’ll drain all our accounts and we’ll live happily! Away from you! Where would you get your precious money from then?”

I heard a loud collision of skin hitting skin and I shut my eyes. I knew how those stung having received one just moments before.

            “Don’t you dare threaten me you conniving whore!” me dad bellowed so loudly that I put my hands over my ears. I ran to my room and pushed my bookshelf in front of my door before packing an overnight back and escaping out the window. Jane would look after me. She always did.


I blew past the three completely shocked faces and towards the door. I needed to get out of here. I grabbed my phone and dialled a number again.

            “Hi, I’m Daisy Daniels and I need my jet ready to leave in the next hour,” I said before the other person could even say anything.

            “The preparation of a jet for flight takes at minimum three hours.”

            “And I’m telling you to find a way to do it within an hour!” I snapped.

            “Daisy! What’s going on?” Liam asked grabbing my arm. I shook him off and continued walking down the pier so I could go to my room and grab my passport and a few other vital things.

            “Miss Daniels? Is it?” a new voice asked over the phone. This one was male.

            “Yes. I need my jet or a jet ready to leave for Littleton within an hour. I don’t care how much it’ll cost.”

            “Very well then. A large fee will be imposed.”

            “I already said I don’t care!” I snapped.

            “I’ll see you in an hour, Miss Daniels.”

I hung up the phone and clutched it in my hand so tightly that my bone was ready to break through my skin.

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