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Keith sat on one of his chairs in the kitchen with his breakfast in front of him.

Keith didn't feel like eating, mostly because of the huge stomach ache he had.

He was lactose intolerant and yesterday ate a ton of dairy products. He knew this would happen but at the time he didn't care.

Well, he cared now that he wanted to puke.

The stupid eggs were taunting him.

"You can't eat me! I will eat you!" Keith yelled.

Then proceed to facepalm.

"I am talking to a plate of eggs."

There was a knock at the door and Keith stood up, which he regretted because his stomach lurched. He opened the door and Shiro was standing there. Shiro smiled slightly and Keith tried to shut the door.

His stomach ache made him weak and Shiro easily stopped him.

"Shiro. Go. Away." he said between breaths.

Shiro blinked and sighed. Keith looked pasty pale and instead of the healthy pink that usually ran across his cheeks, there was a green tint.

"You went to McDonald's, didn't you?

Keith nodded while Shiro stepped into the house. Keith didn't even try to stop him as Shiro easily picked him up and brought him back to his bed. Shiro filled a glass of water and gave it to Keith. Keith sipped it slowly whilst Shiro looked in Keith's bathroom for some type of meditation.

Keith put down the water and sank down in the bed. When Shiro came back with the pills Keith was napping. Shiro sighed and placed the pills next to the water.

He sat down on the red arm chair in the corner of the room looking out on to the city below him.

When Keith awoke Shiro was still sitting on that chair with Keith's plate of eggs in hand. He was eating them while watching his tv series that the new season just came out, 'Running Dead'

It was the episode where he died a gruesome death to a bat. Shiro looked up from the tv and smiled, "This is a really good episode."

Keith looked unamused, "I die in this episode."

"Hey! Spoilers!"

"Yeah, whatever."

Shiro pointed at some pills and Keith took them.

"I'm sorry about taking the Ghiro role," Shiro said out of nowhere.

Keith rubbed his eyes, "I'm going to quit the show." Keith knew that there wasn't any reason to keep doing it if Shiro was going to star in the show.

"You should do it. It's going to be fun and Keef and Lunce get together in the end."

Keith's face dropped, "That was a long time ago Shiro. Before he was a huge dick."

"It's only been a year. But it feels like a week."

Keith gave an exasperated sigh, "A week too long!"

"Keith, it's a short show. 20 minutes an episode and there only 12 episodes. Just try it and smooth it over. You might get along and anyway, guess who's been cast as Pidgeon."

Keith was slightly interested now.


Keith's face lit up. Katie aka Pidge was an LGBTQIA+ member. He had repeatedly met them at Pride walks and LGBT celebrity functions.

If they were really fun and smart. Keith and Pidge got along really well.

"Shiro they don't go by Katie anymore. They're non-binary."

Shiro nodded, "Right." Shiro forgot about that a lot.

"Just do the show. It's only a month of filming and the pay isn't bad either."


Nyma was not pleased with Lance's role.

'Less than adequate' were her exact words.

"Nyma! You can't make me quit this show!"

"Actually I can," she mumbled while reaching inside her pocket. She pulled out her phone and started to dial what Lance assumed was Coran.

"I've already signed the contract," Lance said with deathly silence following.

Nyma stared at Lance. Her face grew into an ugly glare that Lance had never seen. The Nyma he knew was sexy and powerful but in the moment she lost her charm.
The colored in her eyes dulled and she had a death grip on the phone.

She stormed out of his office, slamming the door with a 'thawk!'

Lance stood there and he felt tired. He leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor.

The chairs seemed too good for him. He looked at the mirror that was facing him and he didn't feel like the same man Nyma convinced him of.

Nyma speed walked out on to the streets, hailing a cab in an instant. Her hands were slight tightly gripping her phone and she dialed her boss.


Smart, good looking and a fantastic con-man. He charmed many people before into handing thousands of dollars to him just because he asked. He had many pawns at his disposal and Nyma was his most trusted.

"Rolo we have a problem. We might have to drop him, and fast."


I was seriously grinding to get this chapter done! It's currently 11:42 PM so it's still technically his birthday but the deadline was close!
I was going to work on it yesterday... but I made plans with a friend and today I went with my friends to go see THE EMOJI MOVIE
rating: -10/10 it was meh.
It's a must watch though.

But it's Lances birthday! Happy birthday my Cuban baby! I love him... unfortunately, he's in some danger 😱

Klance: Action! (Actor AU)Where stories live. Discover now