Chapter 44: Sh*t on You

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After sitting in the passenger seat of Marshall's car for a while, I suddenly turned to him, something having been an issue to me for a while now.

"I'm hungry again. Are you hungry?" I asked him.

"Hungry as fuck," Marshall replied back.

I cracked up instantly. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was waiting for you," he turned to me, smirking a bit. "Want to go grab a bite?"

I nodded my head in agreement. "Where?" I asked.

Marshall stopped a second, thinking about it. "Maybe just fast food? Most convenient for me."

"Sure," I agreed. "I don't care which place we go to. You can pick since you're driving," I told him.

Marshall threw out some suggestions anyway. "Burger King, White Castle, McD—"

"White Castle?" I interrupted him, that having caught my attention. "I've never been."

He turned to me. "They don't got them over there, do they?" I shook my head. "We'll go, then. I know one right by the place," he confirmed.

We engaged in small talk for a little while longer as Marshall shortly made a turn into a lot. Peering out the window, what I saw was a small building located in the middle which was shaped exactly like a mini castle, with a sign on it saying "White Castle."

"Ah, shit," Marshall blurted, stomping on the break, the car coming to a halt in the middle of the lot. I looked to him worried. He stared out at the burger joint in front of us. "It's a drive-through only. I forgot about that. No way in Hell am I—" Marshall stopped, head turning, eyes slowly falling on me. "You know what?"

I was gawking at him entirely bewildered.

"You take the wheel. Order the food. There's no way in Hell I'm being seen." All in a mere second, Marshall put the Hummer in park in the middle of the car lot and raised his arm rest, making room in order for him to jump carelessly onto the seats in the back. I was at a complete loss watching him do it, leaving me sitting there in the passenger seat staring blankly from the empty driver seat to back at him.

I screamed at him, unsettled. "You can't just all of a sudden decide to—"

"You better go; a car's coming up behind," Marshall interrupted in a laid-back tone as he got himself comfortable behind me.

In a panic, I hastily unbuckled myself and hopped into the driver's seat, buckling myself back up instantly. I put the car in "drive" and immediately pulled it forward without further ado. Glancing up at the rear view mirror to check behind me then, I took to notice that there was not one car in sight. My eyes immediately fell on Marshall, who appeared to be in a fit of laughter now. "Do you know how bad you scared me? Not one single car," I yelled sourly at him. Marshall kept laughing loudly, mocking me now. With annoyance, I pulled up into the drive-through lane. "I'll shit on you!" I hollered at him.

Marshall settled somewhat down, wiping a tear. "Baby, don't be like that."

"I will shit on you I don't care who you are."

"Come on," Marshall pushed.

"I don't give a fuck about you or your car," I continued.

"Stop," he really protested. "Don't be saying dirty things. Only I'm allowed to say that."

I just rolled my eyes at him. I stopped the car having reached the ordering spot, rolling the window down. I turned back to speak more to Marshall. "That's one of my favorite D12 songs, by the way," I mentioned. Marshall looked at me crazy. But before I could continue, I was interrupted by a young lady's voice coming from the speaker outside.

"Welcome to White Castle. How may I help you today?"

I quickly turned back to face the menu board on the side of me, completely forgetting about the fact that I was supposed to be ordering food. I immediately responded back to the server. "Sorry, could you give me more time? I'm still deciding."

I heard her back from the speaker. "Sure. Take your time."

I took a deep breath, switching the topic. "What are we getting? I've never been here before."

"Get whatever, I don't care," Marshall answered.

I groaned at him. He was being the least helpful. Not offering suggestions, recommendations, leaving me to be the decision-maker here, when this was my (must I repeat myself) first time at a White Castle. I took a second to study the menu items on the board in front of me. Their most famous item were their signature sliders which came in many varieties, forms, and combos if you wanted. They had a lot of delicious looking sides, including drinks and dessert items as well. In all honestly, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to get. Everything looked beyond delicious.

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