Chapter 4

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Since y'all can't handle "kookie-wookie" I'm taking it out :)

Jimins POV

I had felt something nice and warm wrapped around me. I snuggled closer to the warmth and I didn't want to get up at all.

But now that warmth was moving around and squirming and when I had opened my eyes I was shocked.

Here I was being cuddled by the one and only jeon jungkook. I just couldn't believe it but I really loved the warmth that came off of him.

I tried to look up slowly at him and there he was looking beautiful as ever. His lips were slightly parted, as he was breathing softly. His rosy cheeks, His pink plump lips I've always wanted to kiss.

I blushed thinking about how it'll be if we were a couple. Watching movies, cuddling, going out to eat, going on dates, going to amusement parks, etc.

I was just smiling thinking about it until looked at the clock on the wall.

We have to be in school by 9:00 and its already 8:30. I don't even wanna get up since its so comfortable but i know that we have to.

I sat up, stretching a little as begin to shake awake.
"Jungkookie? Jungkook-ah, wake up" I said softly while shaking him.

He fluttered his eyes and rubbed at them as he sat up slowly.

"Yes bab-- I mean jiminie??" He said looking at me.

"It's already 8:30 and we need to be in school be 9" I said with a yawn while rubbing my eyes gently.

He groaned as he closed his eyes, pulling me to lay back against him as i giggled shyly. "I don't wanna get up. Lets just skip school today" he pouted as he scooted closer to me.

"I wanna be able to stay home too but I haven't texted jin hyung and he might worry about my whereabouts. Plus don't you think it'll be a little suspicious if we both stood home?" I asked as i ran my fingers through his hair.

I sighed sadly as i came to the conclusion of him being right. It would be weird and suspicious for his friends. "Well we need to get in the shower and get dressed." He said as he started to sit up, getting up and turning towards me. He stretched as I couldn't help but blush by seeing his muscles bulge.

"B-but i don't have my uniform with me" I said shyly while also standing up slowly.

Yes in our school we have to wear uniforms and I don't like it. I wanna be able to wear comfy clothes.

He and turned around and he grabbed me by my hips and looked down at me.

I was blushing so hard. I'm pretty sure my face looks is the color of a tomato right now.

" well I guess you'll just have to wear my uniform than" he said as he caressed my cheeks.

"O-ok" I said as I looked down.

Jungkooks POV

I just wanna kiss him so bad. I want him to be mine so bad. I just love him so much and I don't what I'll do if someone took him away from me. I'll probably cry if it happens.

CUTIE - JIKOOK (under editing) Where stories live. Discover now