Chapter 9

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This chapter is gonna be focusing on taegiseok😊😊 I don't know how long this chapter is gonna be

Authors POV

Yes yoongi knows. He knows that it's probably weird and unlikely for a person to like 2 people at the same time, but he can't help it. His heart wants what it wants.

He's been so sad, so so sad. He's always seeing the vhope couple cuddling, sharing kisses, laughing together and always feeding each other. He just wishes that he was part of it.

He's never been like this before ever. He's never experience being in love like this and it kind of scared him at first, but he learned that it was gonna be ok, but he never knew
that it would hurt loving two people who he knew that would never love him back.

That's what's he experiencing now. Right now he's at their house and he feels like he's intruding. They wouldn't even acknowledge him or talk to him. They were to busy cuddling, kissing, staring, laughing. And he didn't want to intrude at all.

He felt his eyes water. He looked down and felt a tear rolling down his cheek. He took a deep breath and told himself he can't be here. He doesn't want to get hurt even more than he already is.

He took and deep breath and stood up as he looked up at the ceiling to make the tears stop coming.

He knew they were looking at him because suddenly the laughing stopped and their attention was on him now.

"Is there something wrong hyung?" Tae asked.

Yoongi nodded hard and looked at them smiling softly.

"H-Hyung, W-were you crying?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi couldn't speak as more tears rolled down his face. He didn't know what came over him but he just turned around and ran out the house. Yes he knows it's stupid how's he's running away like a coward.

He heard the calls of his name and it sounded panicky but he knows they won't care later.

He ran and ran with quiet sobs coming out of him and he doesn't know how but he ended right in front of jungkooks house.

He frantically knocked on the door and it opened revealing jimin and Jungkook.

They looked so worried and concerned and they pulled him into the house.

They had asked what was wrong and he broke down and told them everything.

They had both pulled him into a hug, telling him it was okay and how it's gonna be fine.

He just kept shaking and crying uncontrollably.

He didn't know what to do. He just hopes everything will work out.

He had stood up and told them that he would be leaving.

He hugged jimin and Jungkook and left to go home.

Once he got home, he changed and threw himself on his bed crying more.

He was so sad.

He felt sick to his stomach so he decided to heat up his food from yesterday.

As he was waiting, he pulled out his phone to check the notifications.

He saw 20 new messages and 40 missed calls.

They were all from hoseok and taehyung. They were saying "hyung where are you?" And "hyung please answer the phone" "HYUNG PLEASE WHERE ARE nYOU?", "please let us know your alright.", "we're coming over there now. Please open your door when we're there"

That one shocked him the most. They were coming to his house and to be honest he was really nervous.

He was nervous, shaking and his eyes started to water again. He didn't want to face them.

That's when he heard knocking and his heart was beating fast against his chest. He slowly got up and went towards the door and there was more frantic knocking on the door.

He took a deep breath and slowly unlocked the door and opened it.

There stood two panicked and scared looking dongsaengs.

And it both looked like they had tear streaks down their faces but he might just be hallucinating.

They bursted through the door and pulled yoongi into a bone crushing hug.

They both were hugging him as they whispered in his ear that "everything is gonna be alright" and "you shouldn't do that hyung. You had us worried sick hyungie"

They planted multiple kisses on his cheeks and around his face as they continued to whisper in his ear.

Yoongi just kept crying and crying and crying.

Taehyung and hoseok looked at each other and frowned. They loved yoongi so much. They cared deeply for the older and they didn't want to see him hurt at all.

They brought yoongi to the couch and cuddled him to death. Yoongi was now sniffing and whimpering quietly as he buried his face deep into hoseoks chest.

Taehyung had kissed yoongi on the head and pulled yoongi closer to him.

Hoseok looked at tae and glared at him.

"YAH!! Stop being so greedy and share. I'd like to cuddle him too."

"Well you had him long enough. It's my turn"

They both continued to glare at each other, until they looked down and saw that yoongi had fallen asleep.

They smiled at the adorable sight. They had loved yoongi for a long time now. And they cared for him so so much. They want yoongi in this relationship with them.

They know they'll have jealous moments, and they know they'll have their ups and downs but they will make it work with one another.

They will make him theirs. No matter what it takes. He will be theirs and they will be his.

I really hope you liked this chapter😊😊 and I'm sorry if you didn't like it.

I will update soon again.

And good night my beauties (if it's nighttime for you ❤️❤️💕)

Thanks again ❤️

Plz vote and comment 😂😆😊😊💕💖

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