Chapter 13

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Authors POV

Jimin and Jungkook were still on the rooftop, hugging each other still.

Jungkook was snoring softly in jimins neck while jimin was running his fingers through his hair.

It was quiet, and comforting silence that is until he heard yoongis yelling coming close to the door of the rooftop.


And jimin couldn't help but shake his head and smile. Yoongi was very overprotective of Jungkook just like jimin. Of course he would be. Jungkook and yoongi were childhood best friends and still are best friends.

Jimin turned his head towards the door that opened and in came in yoongi, hoseok, TaeHyung, namjoon, and seokjin.

They all sat down in front of the couple who are hugging.

"Why is he sad? We were shocked when he came to the table crying like that." Seokjin said with so much concern laced in his voice.

Jimin took a deep breath and started talking.
"Well there's this new girl, and she did not make a good first impression on him or me. She made Jungkook mad and even was trying to flirt with him too. I don't like her one bit" jimin said shaking his head slowly.

All the other boys shook their head and were wondering who this new girl was.

"What's her name?" Hoseok asked.

"Her name is marissa"

They all looked around and looked confused and were murmuring stuff like they never heard of her and haven't seen her yet.

"Well beware. She may come for one of you guys next. You never know" jimin said chuckling.

"Nuh-uh she ain't going no where near my babies." TaeHyung said defensively.

"Same. If she gets anywhere near my hubby wubby, I might do something I'll regret." Seokjin said as he turned towards namjoon and pecked his lips.

Namjoon blushed as the others were complaining about getting a room.

"Why don't we take him out to the amusement park? Maybe that'll cheer him up." Namjoon asked them.

"Ohhhh that sounds like a good idea to me" jimin said and he looked at Jungkook Who was still snoring through all of their loudness.

"Jungkookie wake up." Jimin said softly.

He proceeded to peck Jungkook around his face and the others were complaining about getting a room to him this time.

"Aish hush your faces. Let me enjoy" Jungkook said with his husky voice as he was waking up slowly.

"Baby come on you gotta wake up" jimin said quietly and softly while smiling.

"But I'm tired" Jungkook whined cutely.

"Come on sweetie"

"Noooooo. Give me more kisses now"

"Fine I guess someone doesn't want to go to the amusement park"

With that Jungkook shot almost falling in the process, but yoongi had caught him before he did.

"AMUSEMENT PARK?!?! WHAT WHERE?!? WHEN?!?" Jungkook exclaimed excitedly.

CUTIE - JIKOOK (under editing) Where stories live. Discover now