Chapter 2

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"1st Person (aka you)" 

"Oh dear! Are you ok?" he asked me scrambling to pick up all the clothes.
     "Oh.....sorry Im fine. I was just shocked that's all...." I mumble shyly to the model. He gives me back all the clothes and chuckles a little.
     "So what's your name? You look just like a princess!" he asked me as he picked up a piece of clothing and examined it.
     "Oh name is (y/n)." I introduce myself while bowing my head a little. He chuckles and ruffles my (h/l) (h/c) hair and lifts all the clothes out of my hands once more. He sets them on a near by table and sits down at a stool.
      "Well you actually came kinda early but I don't mind! You see I was having an eztreamly boring day so its kinda good that you came in here!" he explained to me like I was his new best friend now.
"2nd Person"

     You look down in embarrassment to be seen like this in front of such a big star. Your hair is in a messy bun, strands flying everywhere. You are just wearing a baggy pair of jeans and a t shirt of you favorite anime with a big hoodie on. It was your favorite hoody and you couldn't go any where without it.
     "Umm...well. Im still sorry I came earlier I didn't mean to." you say now sitting on another stool.
     "Not at all! Though I have one question if you don't mind me asking. Why do you wear such a big hoodie? Its nearly covering your whole face and body! Don't you want people to see you?" he asked scooting his chair closer to you.
      You hesitate with the answer but soon you start to speak
    "I don't exactly have the perfect model body.....and i get judged for it since I work with models everyday people would expect I look just likes them...."
     Should I be telling this to him....? Do you think he will tell the others? I hope not..... You think as you tell him.
      "God I hate that!! I can't believe people judge you for what you look like on the outside and not the inside!! If only they would talk of you they would see how sweet and kind you are! And in my opinion, you are not fat at all! You are beautiful and no one should tell you other wise." he told you sternly.
       Your heart raced as the number one male model strait up told you that you were beautiful. You turned a bright red and mumbled thank you.
     "Aw! Oh no I got the photographer all flustered!! How adorable!" Zen smirked as he walked over to the closet. He pulled out some shirts and grinned from ear to ear.
     "Well! Lets get this show on the road!!"

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~

Few! I finnially did it! Two hours of taking pictures of Zen in practically nothing. Done. I can check that off the list. You thought to yourself as you wipe the beads of sweat on your forehead with your sleeve.
     "Wow!! Your a really good photographer (y/n)!! These are amazing!" Zen gasped in amazement. You were so wrapped up in your own world you didn't realize hope close you were with the model. Your camera was around your neck and he had pulled it closer, along with your face to see the pictures you had taken. You realized the closeness and became a dark shade of red.
    "WOW!! These are great!!" he exclaimed.  He rushed out the door but quickly brought in another man.
      "Hey look at this! She makes me look ten times more beautiful then I am and that's A LOT!" he said as he grabbed the camera, this time unattached to your neck.
     You blush at the statement and look at the ground.
    "Well its just what I do...." you say shyly. The other man clicked his tongue and hands the camera back.
      "You truly do have a unique talent in photography. Would you be interested to come to my house and take a photo shoot of my dear cat. Of course I will pay you and it will be obey when your off." he said to me as he pulled out his checkbook.
    "Oh....s-sure I guess..." you mumble, trying to awkwardly smile.
    "Ugh its always about your stupid cat Jumin. You have a nice garden and a nice house! You could have her shoot those but NOOOO you decide on your fucking cat!" Zen explodes on the man.
     I guess this Jumin and Zen don't exactly get along. I know he is allergic to cats so mabey that's why. You think as you giggle at the sight of the two grown men fighting like preschoolers.
    "I can do it if your not busy two Sundays from now. Sorry for the long wait but I am actually quite busy currently." you say to Jumin as you put the camera back around your neck.
    "That will be a perfect time! Elizabeth loves Sundays!  Its the only time 707 isn't trying to harass her." he said. You didn't have a clue what he was talking about but you just nodded and started for the door.
    "Where do you think your going!?" you heard Zen ask from across the room. You turn back around to face the white haired man.
     "Well.....I took the work here is done. I must leave now for my boss will be mad at me." you said in a mildly heroic tone. He laughed and stood up, walking over to you.
    "Well we wouldn't want your boss to get mad now wouldn't we?" he said as he placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. You blushed and nodded, scurrying out the door with your mind compleatly blank of what just happened.

     "What the hell was that for?" Jumin asked the other man. Zen shrugged his shoulders and plopped down on a couch next to Jumin.
     "She's cute."

Never too fat (Chubby!Anxiety!Reader x Zen)Where stories live. Discover now